Week of May 23, 2011: Congress gavels in @ 2 pm edt

This afternoon when the US Congress gavels in on Capitol Hill, 17Vir04 rises, and with its opposite degree 17Pis04 descending, shows the critical or crisis nature of this week’s business for 17Vir/Pis are critical degrees on the 6/12 (victim/savior) axis.US natal Neptune 22Vir25 (planet of illusion, deception, fraud, and inspiration) is the first US planet to rise and it brings along our national

The Essence for 23 May 2011: Triangulation

By 2:30 AM PDT the Moon is conjunct Vesta, uniting the emotional stance with those matters to which we dedicate ourselves. In Aquarius this will give an intellectual bent, and a desire to reason out some matters (passionate ones, like … Continue …

Uranus/Neptune Aspects

xtremely unusual spiritual interests. Embracing all the cutting edge technologies to understand the spiritual realm. Fringe spiritual groups. Wanting to get lost in the group experience. Getting lost in fringe interest – the paranormal, psychic and mystical. Experimental mysticism. Experimental drug use. LSD. Extremely open to higher dimensions and realms. Radical sensitivity. Radical drug use. Extremely […]

A Goldman-Sachs natal chart, Scott Walker, and Financial Astrology

While preparing next week’s article concerning the horoscope of the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse 9Can12 (it’s a biggie falling amongst US natal planets in Cancer and spotlights an Earth Grand Cross which includes transit Pluto opposing said Cancerian planets), I feel that a heads-up is in order for those who may wish astrological information on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his ‘naked power grab’

A Goldman-Sachs natal chart, Scott Walker, and Financial Astrology

While preparing next week’s article concerning the horoscope of the July 1, 2011 Solar Eclipse 9Can12 (it’s a biggie falling amongst US natal planets in Cancer and spotlights an Earth Grand Cross which includes transit Pluto opposing said Cancerian planets), I feel that a heads-up is in order for those who may wish astrological information on Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and his ‘naked power grab’