#March Photo A Day: Fruit

Todays photo a day word was “Fruit”. Rather than being creative I took the easy way out and just plonked the fruit and veg box we have delivered each week on the floor and grabbed the phone camera. Easy.
I turn my back for a second and the dog has…

Monthly Horoscopes: March 2012

March arrived in a heavy fog this morning. You couldn’t see the end of our street. Then by noon we had brilliant sunshine and it turned out that spring had arrived while our heads were in the mist.Actually, it looks like being a pretty good month, just…

Barack Obama hearts Teddy Roosevelt? Uh-Oh!

March 1, 2012Just an interesting article link for you today meant especially for those who like to read about historical figures: Contrarian: Teddy Roosevelt Laid Bare from History Today which questions the wisdom of President Obama’s hearkening back to Teddy Roosevelt and the early days of Progressivism in America.Now if I weren’t packing for the moving van, I could really get goin’ on the

#MarchPhotoADay: “Up”

When I was first studying photography (way back in the dim, dark ages of fully manual cameras, umpteen manual filters and slide films that were so sensitive they needed to be kept in the fridge) my teacher gave us a field assignment with a difference-…