Today the Moon enters Libra but she won’t feel much like socializing. The Moon is in her last phase (Waning Crescent) before the New Moon. If the New Moon is the time to start things, the Waning Moon is the … Continue reading →
Obama speaks as 20Cap13 rises 11.3.10
President Obama is scheduled to speak today at 1:00 pm edt from the White House concerning yesterday’s midterm ‘rebuke’ of his presidency, policies, and legislation. In the US, the continued sorry job market (partially encouraged by the GOP-leaning Chamber of Commerce – this isn’t rocket science, folks) has soured many of the people who voted Obama in 2008 and his and his wife’s rhetorical
3-4 November 2010: The Struggle
Today’s Libra Moon meets Saturn and h. Zeus–and likely leaves us exhausted, as we struggle. Against what, you may ask? You name it, we’re likely to fix on and attack whatever catches our fancy (Moon sextile Mars), and the worst part …
Peppers and Squash
Ryan Phillippe and Amanda Seyfried: Mars Sextile Venus
Come on, Hollywood. You make a big deal out of being so sparkly and special, but it’s high time you admitted that you’re not so different from the rest of us reg’lar country folk in the fly-over states. For example, just like us, sometimes you eat that stuff known as “food.” And other times, you […]
Goals, Mountains and Other Saturn Stuff
One of my best friends climbed a mountain last weekend.
The mountain is Mt Kinabalu in the Malaysian part of Borneo. And even though I joked that it is just a very long uphill walk, at 4095m, it is a real high and serious mountain, with real altitude a…
Daily Planets Thursday 4/11/10 Finding the Balance
The Moon has just moved into Libra, and let me tell you, the last few hours of the Virgo Moon today reinforced the importance of having a dceent record keeping system! Libra is about balance and finding that sweet spot.
Within the next few hours the M…
Comment on Your Attraction Profile: Who You Attract And Why by Your Attraction Profile: Who You Attract And Why » » Astrology Around The Web
[…] My latest Sasstrology article: Think about your love life. Notice any patterns? The way you act around someone you’re attracted to. The type of person you’re attracted to. The type of person that always seems to be attracted to you. … Conti…
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November 3: Mercury square Neptune – It’s a Mystery to Me
* Graphic courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Wednesday is governed by Mercury, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on the Winged Messenger.Mercury continues to make his way through Scorpio, imbuing minds with the curiosity to get t…