—When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. This is your motto especially this month when travel helps you resolve some sticky relationship issues. Or maybe the travel causes these issues. This hardly matters to the Ram who is … Continue reading →
Bill Moyers: Welcome to the Plutocracy
Here’s an excerpt from Bill Moyers new book, Welcome to the Plutocracy:"On another site – “thinkprogress.com” – you can find out how the multibillionaire Koch brothers – also big oil polluters and Tea Party supporters – are recruiting “captains of industry” to fund the right-wing infrastructure of front groups, political campaigns, think tanks and media outlets. Now, hold on to your seats,
Venus in Cancer, Mars in Virgo Compatibility
Happy as clams, Venus in Cancer and Mars in Virgo have a mutual desire to nest in relationship. Shying away from high drama and passionate displays, this quiet couple wants only to share the simple pleasures of life with each other, free from outside distractions and worries. Crafting, cooking and gardening are all areas of […]
Daily Planets Friday 5/11/10 Do I Need Another Cookbook?
Does anyone know of any foolproof astrological forecasting method to know when the traffic will be crap? Seriously this afternoon was appalling, but it gave me time to listen to a radio show that had the 2 judges of Australian masterchef spruiking thei…
Forget Six Degrees of Separation; There are 360 Degrees of Connectivity
* Graphic courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsThe planetary picture is the same as yesterday, so feel free to give yesterday’s post a read. In the meantime, did you know that each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac has its own special message? These messages …
Some Thoughts on Juno
Juno, asteroid named for the Roman version of the Greek goddess Hera, wife of Jupiter/ Zeus and queen of Olympus, is currently in Virgo (at 13 01), which sends her attempts for empowerment in the direction of criticism and seeing … Continue readi…
Comment on Saying Goodbye With The Waning Moon in Libra by Saying Goodbye With The Waning Moon in Libra » AstroDispatch.com » Astrology Around The Web
[…] Today the Moon enters Libra but she won’t feel much like socializing. The Moon is in her last phase (Waning Crescent) before the New Moon. If the New Moon is the time to start things, the Waning Moon is the … Continue reading → […]
Saying Goodbye With The Waning Moon in Libra
Today the Moon enters Libra but she won’t feel much like socializing. The Moon is in her last phase (Waning Crescent) before the New Moon. If the New Moon is the time to start things, the Waning Moon is the … Continue reading →
Obama speaks as 20Cap13 rises 11.3.10
President Obama is scheduled to speak today at 1:00 pm edt from the White House concerning yesterday’s midterm ‘rebuke’ of his presidency, policies, and legislation. In the US, the continued sorry job market (partially encouraged by the GOP-leaning Chamber of Commerce – this isn’t rocket science, folks) has soured many of the people who voted Obama in 2008 and his and his wife’s rhetorical
3-4 November 2010: The Struggle
Today’s Libra Moon meets Saturn and h. Zeus–and likely leaves us exhausted, as we struggle. Against what, you may ask? You name it, we’re likely to fix on and attack whatever catches our fancy (Moon sextile Mars), and the worst part …