Pluto and the Bankruptcy of America

Update 8.11.10 8:10 pm edt: here’s an article relating to my post below: Reagan insider: ‘GOP destroyed US economy’By Paul B. FarrellWe’ve arrived at a historic turning point as a nation that no longer needs outside enemies to destroy us, we are committing suicide. Democracy. Capitalism. The American dream. All dying. Why? Because of the economic decisions of the GOP the past 40 years, says this

Transiting Saturn and Your House in Capricorn

Transiting Saturn is still the ruler of Capricorn Transiting Saturn, like natal Saturn, is the ruler of Capricorn. Each of us has a house in our chart that contains Capricorn and that house is ruled by Saturn. Saturn has its “Saturn” functions: to make you aware of reality, to create structure in your life, to […]

The Fed meets today, Jupiter-Neptune, and Plunder

Danny Schechter, whose documentary Plunder: The Crime of Our Time is being shown and re-shown on LINK TV these days (do catch it, if you can) has written an excellent article on the Wall Street Collapse 3 years later.Comparing Wall Street’s collapse and the current ‘recovery’ talking points the American public is being treated to with the BP-Gulf Oil Gusher’s mysteriously disappearing oil, Mr.

New Moon in Leo tonight; Fed to meet Tuesday 8.10.10

Tonight’s New Moon 17Leo25 perfects at 11:08 pm edt, the start of a new cycle of activity for the month. Be sure to check out Mandi Lockley’s Lions in the Dark post concerning the Leo New Moon.And tomorrow, August 10, 2010, the Fed is to meet to talk about how things are going and to plan their next move, if any. Therefore, the following partial text is from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1933 Inaugural

The 6th House: You Better Work It

Time is on my side By setting a routine for yourself you structure time in a personal way. You decide what you are going to dedicate yourself to, what you are going to be in service to. Every skill or technique requires time, practice and repetition to master. The things that you do every day, […]

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  1. Rambling about Pluto in the Second House
  2. Following the Ruler of the 8th House to Where Transformation Begins
  3. What does it mean to have so many planets in the 8th house?

Do You “Believe” in Astrology?

To many, astrology is anything but a language. This misunderstanding has turned astrology into a kind of symbolic scapegoat, confusing it with new age, mumbo jumbo, psychobabble, evil occultism. …most astrological authors don’t Talk Normal or Write Well, thereby unleashing far too many garrulous tomes called Most Astrology Books. It’s no wonder why so many […]

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  1. I’ma Be Me Astrology
  2. Astrologese: Speaking Your Language