Sit Down, Shut Up, And Listen To Saturn

Hear that grinding noise? Odds are good that’s transiting Saturn working its steamroller magic on you somehow. Today on “Conquer The Universe With Astrology,” I’ll be looking at Saturn: what it does, what it’s sending your way, and when to duck. Listen…

Progressed Moon changing signs: Empty spaces

We spent the last week transforming the front bedroom of the house – which had disintegrated into a cluttered, chaotic “catch all” –  into a guest room. My handy spouse repaired the stained glass windows, which were in desperate need…

March Horoscopes

Purple and yellow crocuses have raised their heads on my wet lawn. Snowdrops are still nodding in the borders and the fleshy leaves of daffodils and tulips promise more spring flowers. I’m just back from Istanbul, where, to my surprise, nature se…

The Latest from Sasstrology

Love Horoscope for the Week of February 28 The wondrous thing about a New Moon in Pisces is that it reminds us that the beginning is the end is the beginning … and so on we go. I mention this because we’re being treated to a particularly mystic New Moon on Friday. The thing is, […]

Help Needed And Received – Thank You

Behind the scenes @ elsaelsaI talk about how quickly skills diminish and I see that in myself on this blog.  I used to do everything myself but now CArRiE does the Hot Topics posts and Dixie handles the astrology reports. We’ve only had the latt…