Another Embarassing Story: Where The Heart Is

Astrology in real life,I don’t know why I am thinking about this now. I don’t know if I should think about it, stop thinking about it, write about it or what.
It could be that I have some time freed up and I am becoming creative again. It c…

The Astrology of Golf: Saturn And Neptune by Satori

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fea…

A Link to a Lovely Post

This is totally non astro, but to me is pretty well a Pisces post in its’ own right. Wisdom From the Sea- 3 Lessons From the Ocean,  post on one of my favourite blogs, Tiny Buddha

Your Career & the Cosmos: Pisces at Work

Pisces at work…an oxymoron? You’d be surprised.
Last years posts for Pisces at in one place:
Pisces at Work
Your Pisces Boss
Blue Water Dreaming- Pisces & Goal Setting
More Than Words- Mercury in Pisces

Horoscope: Facism Rising Solar Eclipse 1933 (then and now)

With a focus on societal conditions 1933 v 2011, let’s look at a horoscope of the Solar Eclipse 5Pis29 of February 24, 1933. (Click chart to enlarge. In green are highlighted many of America’s natal placements but Germany’s natal chart takes precedence in this post.)Hour: Venus21AQ20 in 7th H; chart-ruler: Moon in eclipse w Sun and conjoining North Node (NN) 7Pi45, with Mercury 18Pis58 in 9th

Match Game: Love Goes On Anyway by moonpluto

“Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.”
-Zora Neale Hurston
Where I live, matchmaking is alive and well. The family is involved in the process, or an older single person may seek out a shadchan on his or her o…