Cancer Sun in the 1st House

ou are becoming comfortable in a leadership role. You discover personal power by knowing how to react when you are caught off guard. Your central purpose is to demonstrate gentle integrity. You shine by finding strength in vulnerability. Coming into your own requires letting your sensitive side show through. Attaining self-realization means knowing the difference between […]

Fight For What You Want: The Upcoming Cardinal Cross

June 18th marks the start of a Grand Cardinal Cross that will continue until July 5th. This is a tense configuration which will involve Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto up until June 26th. Then the Sun will take Mercury’s place. … Continue…

Gemini Sun in the 12th House

ou are becoming informed about your fears. You discover personal power by communicating that which scares you most. Your central purpose is to let your mind unwind by finding an outlet for your nervous energy. You shine by letting the infinite talk through you. Coming into your own requires being alert to your, and other […]

Gemini Sun in the 11th House

ou are becoming the center of an active circle of people. You discover personal power by talking about your hopes and dreams. Your central purpose is to form relationships with intelligent people who support your long term goals. You shine when you funnel your nervous energy into delighting and charming the crowds. Coming into your […]

Shout-Out! The Equal Party (of-by-for The People)

Today my online time is brief (gotta motor!) but I have managed a bit of reading and was surprised to find an interesting blog concerning The Equal Party suggesting ideas for how We The People can return control of the US government to the of-by-for crowd, United States citizens. Of course, this presumes that we had any control to lose. With every US election fixed, manipulated, rigged, or plum

What If A Chart Has No Oppositions?

“What about a chart without oppositions? Or a chart that has only one, for example — compare that with a chart that has many…” If a chart has no oppositions then it has something else. This is like asking, “What … Read More…