Astrology Highlights for Feb. 10-16, 2025: Adjustment

The Sun and Mercury’s squares to Uranus this week are a kind of planetary chiropractic adjustment. Something has progressed from aggravating to painful, and we need to make a change in order to relieve the pain and move forward. And these aspects are designed to get us off our sofas and engaged with much-needed change.

TRANSCRIPT Ep. 277 | Leo Full Moon: Crossing the Desert!

TRANSCRIPT Ep. 277 (2.10.25) Leo Full Moon: Crossing the Desert! « Listen and read show notes Hello, invisible friend, April here, and the date today is February 10th, 2025. Welcome to Episode 277 of the Big Sky Astrology Podcast. This week, you have relatively quiet skies for your Valentine’s Day …

Episode 277 | Leo Full Moon: Crossing the Desert!

The Sun and Mercury clash with unpredictable Uranus, bringing change to the Leo Full Moon and to Valentine’s Day. Mercury enters gentle, imaginative Pisces for an extended stay. And a listener question about the Nodal opposition, when the transiting lunar nodes oppose your natal lunar nodes.