Mercury-Moon Feelings nothing more than feelings Mercury-Saturn Words, don’t come easy to me How can I find a way to make you see I love you Words don’t come easy Mercury-Venus Talk in ever lasting words and dedicate them all to me And I will give you […]
The Astrology of Relationships: Date Matching Services and the Astrologer
(Astrology Explored)–It is time to get back on that horse and ride it. But what’s a fifty something astrologer to do to meet new people? After all, I don’t as a personal policy date men from work, go to bars, … Continue reading →
Girolamo Cardano’s Chart?
“Do me a favor, get that Ian Stewart book* from my bag. Thanks.” Opens the book and indicates a page. “Now read it aloud from here.” She reads it aloud, “Like many mathematicians of the period, Girolamo** practiced astrology, and he notes the astrological circumstances surrounding his birth: ‘Although various abortive medicines – as I […]
The Upside of Eclipses
Eclipses are coming! Eclipses are coming! Time to hide under the bed, batten down the hatches, buy duct tape to seal off the doors and windows? In a word, no. But we astrologers can sound a little like tabloid journalists as we breathlessly – urg…
A Sabian for Astrologers
There is pain that is peculiar to astrologers: the jeers and skepticism of the world. There is also joy that’s reserved especially for them: if you study faithfully, the charts start singing for you. Again and again the degrees resonate and repeat till there is no doubt in your mind that somehow, mysteriously, this thing […]
Relationships and the Progressed Chart
I’m currently studying secondary progressions and still haven’t started the classes on relationships and the progressed chart. So bear that in mind when you read what I’ve written below. Last evening, a friend and I were discussing markers for marriage in the progressed chart. So I looked at my progressed chart for the day I […]
June 26, 2010 lunar eclipse in Capricorn: lighting the quivering fuse
The chart for the June 26 lunar eclipse at 4.26 Capricorn is a doozy, with the Moon conjunct Pluto, the Sun conjunct Mercury, and the whole shebang square Jupiter/Uranus on one end of the sky and Saturn on the other (click image below for a larger vi…
A decade of Big Sky Astrology
Today I’m celebrating the 10th anniversary of – which was actually yesterday, but I remembered too late in the evening to write a post or, for that matter, have a piece of birthday cake. In the early summer of 2000 the s…
Mercury at 0 Gemini: Love Words
I just emailed one of my favorite writing friends telling him that I’ve been grieving because I haven’t been writing. It’s a funny thing, writing. Is it like love? Something irresistible that flows through us? Is it like need, we do it because we must? I don’t know, but I know that these past few […]
Happiness Project (3) – Gemini New Moon & The Affirmation Month
Every month, I’m adding new intentions/activities for my happiness project during the new moon. Feel free to play along & set your own new monthly goals!Gemini New Moon occurs on June 12th, 2010. My friend Kathy Rose says this would be an ideal m…