If you aren’t creating, you’re dying.
6th House Zen: Practicing For Success
The House of Servant6th house planets are like zen apprentices practicing to be a master someday. The idea is that service leads to personal growth, and continuous service leads to excellence.Whereas 10th house may include the glorious experience of c…
How to Sell a Digital Product for Immediate Download on Your Blog
(Astroblogging)–In a previous post, I discussed how to make money from an astrology blog. An additional income source can come from selling your own ebooks or mp3 recordings of talks you’ve given. Of course, you can throw a PayPal button … Continue reading →
Social Media: AOL Takes the Hint
A while back (Astroblogging)–I wrote a review on AOL’s Lifestream, a particularly useful app that incorporates various social media streams, like Facebook and Twitter, into one location. While I liked it, I saw one drawback: Where AOL runs short of … Continue reading →
Mudslinging Part 1: Improving Traffic on Your Astrology Blog
Three Common Metrics to Measure Your Blog’s Success
(Astroblogging)–Ellen asked: I use Google Analytics and am looking for a good article on the 3-5 most important things to track. I can get so lost looking at the data and imagining what it means and what to do about … Continue reading →
Astrology, Copyright and Plagiarism
(Astroblogging)–By Tony Vowles Blogging is a personal and very rewarding pursuit. Technically it is easy for someone with basic IT skills to produce a website that appears very slick – beautifully designed templates can be slotted in at the click … Continue reading →
How to Respond to Requests for Free Advice
As a professional astrologer who – by virtue of having a blog – is perceived as available, you’re likely to receive requests for free advice. After all, you’re an expert. You might get hit up in your comments section, via … Continue reading →
The Strange Case of Amy Bishop: Sleuthing Birth Info on the Web
Amy Bishop walked into a meeting, and shot six people killing three. Later we find out that she killed her brother in a pronounced accidental shooting 20 years prior. There were other incidents, a strange confrontation with a woman in … Continue reading →
How I Moved My WordPress Blogroll From My Sidebar to a Page
If you link to lots of other astrology blogs, that long list in your sidebar could make your pages much longer than you want them to be. In addition, I’ve heard tell that a link loses its power when it … Continue reading →