Daily Planets Saturday 28/8/10

I spent last night in one of my other, less well known roles- that of Corporate Wife- at a fundraiser for a local special education school. Sure we had a lovely dinner and some great entertainment, but at the end of the night, I left with an amazing ap…

Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer: Moon Conjunct Venus

If you’ve ever seen a glimpse of True Blood, you know that main characters Sookie and Bill have an insanely dramatic relationship – the kind that makes Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller look like the calm, stoic inspirations behind American Gothic. Luckily, Kiwi actress Anna Paquin and British actor Stephen Moyer, the masterminds behind these […]


Sorry guys, no Daily Planets today. Some low life has tried to use my website as a vehicle for something not very nice, but thanks to the brilliant minds at Qual Technologies didn’t get away with it. Anyway, site just back up, and back to normal …

Are there Freemasons in Congress? view the video

Somehow I missed this CNN feature from months ago which purports to discuss the fact that some members of the US Congress are Freemasonry members. I say ‘purports’ because in the end, the topic is treated lightly with a ‘well they do raise millions for charity’ toss-off as if the good works done by Mason rank and file (and everyone knows they do) is all that’s going on at the top of the

Speeding Up Sasstrology

As Mercury has recently slowed down and is now in his/her retrograde phase, it seems timely to address the slow loading time of Sasstrology. As you may or may not know, every time a website has to call information from a different website, there is the potential for lag time. As a result, I have […]

June-July-August 2010 brings attacks on Jupiter

Perhaps you’ve heard that Jupiter has experienced at least three attacks recently from what are probably meteors and comets.It’s been observed before – in 1994 and in olden days by the discoverer of four of Saturn’s Moons, Giovanni Casini. Perhaps Jupiter’s ongoing transit to Aries Point has helped put the Great Benefic’s woes in the news since the Cardinal Points are where large events tend to