(Astrology Explored)–Astrology for the week of Aug. 20, through Aug. 26 This week Mercury goes retrograde, that period when it appears to be traveling backward in its orbit. When Mercury is in this state, there are usually a whole bunch … Continue reading →
Virgo Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23
Your birthday season begins with a Full Moon that pits you against the forces of benevolent change. You’re reaching for something that’s not quite in grasp yet, so ease up. Before your next great adventures in intimacy can really take flight, you’ve got plenty of loose ends to tie up in your romantic life. Let’s […]
Leo Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23
Love isn’t a lost cause; it’s just calling you to higher ground. You place a lot of value on being able to see the really big picture – but in order for that to happen, you need to step outside the confines of your mind. Don’t ignore that intuitive voice that’s whispering for you to […]
Taurus Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23
You’re having an easier time accepting your friends just as they are than you are a current romantic partner. So you’ve decided it’s your sacred mission to help them improve. It’s as if you’re playing Henry Higgins to their Eliza Doolittle. If you’re too young to understand the reference, then rent My Fair Lady at […]
Cancer Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23
With so much responsibility on the home front, you may be yearning for a home away from home. And yet, you’re exactly where you need to be. Yes there’s a mountain of stuff going on, but there’s a lot of love, too. If you’re with someone you can truly let go with, the sex has […]
Gemini Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23
You have a keener than usual glimpse into what makes you tick – so much so that you may be wondering if everyone else can see your inner workings. They can’t. And there’s the rub: though you understand yourself in a profound new way, it may be hard not to feel entirely misunderstood by others […]
Sagittarius Love Horoscope for the Week of August 23
You’re on the brink of realizing that you need to devote yourself to love’s highest ideals. Who is the object of your desire that you would happily – and modestly – place yourself in faithful service to? Understand this isn’t about being anyone’s doormat or playing mom or dad to someone’s needy inner child. It’s […]
Newsletter 22/8/10
All of a sudden the blossom trees are a mass of pink- when did that happen? This also means that I have enough grass in my garden beds to feed a small herd of goats. I have so much to do in that garden and seriously have no idea where to start. Possibl…
Your Career & The Cosmos- Motivation by the Stars
What gets you out of bed and into the office every Monday morning? Sure the mortgage is definitely a determining factor, but after that? Check out my post for astrology.com in Motivation- What Does It For You?
August 24th 2010 Full Moon: Down the Rabbit Hole
It won’t be down the rabbit hole for everyone, just those who are determined to push forward with their agenda and who also refuse (or are unable) to recognize that they are being driven by hurt, or possibly revenge, all … Continue reading …