Bright X-Ray Solar Flare from Sunspot 1121

Space Weather News for Nov 6, 2010BRIGHT SOLAR FLARE: Active sunspot 1121 has just unleashed one of the brightest x-ray solar flares in several years, an M5.4-class eruption at 15:36 UT on Nov 6th. Radiation from the flare created a wave of ionization in Earth’s upper atmosphere that altered the propagation of low-frequency radio waves. There was, however, no bright CME (plasma cloud) hurled in

Winter Solstice 2010 Horoscope

Fresh from the December 21, 2010 Lunar Eclipse, this year’s Winter Solstice Moon in 12th house clocks in at 8Can13 as the Sun reaches 00Cap00:00. In Washington DC on Dec 21, 2010, the annual solar event occurs at 6:38:22 pm est with 24Can21 rising which brings up America’s natal Mercury Rx opposing natal Pluto 27Cap33 Rx (US planets are notated outside the chart; please click to enlarge.)It’s an

Mars/Neptune Aspects

Putting energy into dance. Putting energy into the spiritual. Putting energy into meditation. Passive energy. Getting your groove on. Slow jams. Glamoring. Dazzling. Magicians. Sorcerers. Jedis. “These are not the

November 6: New Moon in Scorpio

A New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon unite in the heavens. It is the beginning of a new lunar cycle and, hence, signifies a new beginning. The portion of your birth chart that is governed by Scorpio offers a hint about which area of your life is rea…

The Fed: "Return to Jekyll Island" w a Scorpio New Moon

In what may be considered by some a ‘return to the scene of the crime’, today and Saturday, members of the Federal Reserve Bank are again meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, where their shadowy entity, the private and central bank of America, was hatched in response (allegedly) to the bankers’ Panic of 1907.If the script sounds familiar since Financial Collapse 2007/2008, it should.Here’s

50 Cent and Chelsea Handler: Venus Conjunct Moon

You know what’s more bizarre than cats loving dogs, or oil mixing with water, or Chelsea Handler and 50 Cent dating? Actually, that last one pretty much hit it: Chelsea Handler and 50 Cent are hanging out. And it makes perfect sense, right? Because he’s a former drug dealer who made it big as a […]