Tag: saturn-pluto

Billionaires dumping US stocks: an End -of-2012 YOD crisis?

Okay, this is the sort of news I’ve been hoping not to hear–that billionaires including Warren Buffet and others are ‘dumping’ US stocks in some of our nation’s biggest corporations such as Johnson & Johnson. You may check it out at Money News if you’re interested.

And even though I know that astrological Jupiter signifies large sums of money, corporations, bankers, billionaires, and such and

Jupiter in Gemini and Stalling in Washington DC

Jupiter Still Rx, Fiscal Responsibility Stalls, & Republicans Con

by Jude Cowell

Here’s a handy timeline of debt celings and other fiscalities including 2011’s Stalemate Theater on Capitol Hill.

Unfortunately for the American people and the US economy, tickets for matinee performances remain available and may be valid into 2013.

Now as you know, moneybags Jupiter, a planet that at times in

Amy Goodman interviews Joseph Stiglitz June 6, 2012 (video)

On Global Governance, Madrid 2012, and the Evils of Inequality

by Jude Cowell

Having much respect for the journalistic work and integrity of Amy Goodman of Democracy Now!, I am pleased to bring you her June 6, 2012 interview with economist Joseph Stiglitz in which topics included in his book The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future are discussed.

You’ll find