October 10, 2019: the upcoming 2020 Democratic Debate is scheduled for Tuesday October 15, 2019 at 8:00 pm edt and will be hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Erin Burnett, plus, the National Editor of the NYT, Marc Lacey. Predictably, this 4th debate is billed as another "showdown" between former VP Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren with 10 other Democratic candidates flanking them onstage.
Tag: Elizabeth Warren
Nasty Women
No matter what you think about the candidates for president in the USA, the campaign has given rise to some barnstorming feminist political speeches. It feels like a real breakthrough — a change in the weather. In astrology, we have a “nasty woman”. She’s called Black Moon Lilith, and she’s strutting around in Scorpio this year. She’s been here since May, and she won’t leave until February. Lilith in Scorpio seems pretty powerful. She’s even been given a voice by Senator Elizabeth Warren, whose speech about nasty women made some of us fall around laughing. “Nasty women are tough, nasty women are […]
The post Nasty Women appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.
Astrology of Now: 23° High Voltage
If you have any planets between 22° and 24°, you should be aware that Mars is putting a tremendous focus of energy into this very narrow area of the Zodiac.. 23° specifically is highly activated because Uranus, the planet of electricity, surprise and lighting is at 23° Aries, and this is the degree where Mars is due to station in the coming weeks. Mars is the planet of violent action — retrograde, he behaves differently, but the consequences can be just as bad. We have had two powerful examples of this in the news this week. Jo Cox, the MP murdered […]
The post Astrology of Now: 23° High Voltage appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.
Elizabeth Warren Reshapes The Democratic Party (video) plus her personality blend
#ElizabethWarren #2016 #Senate
Here’s Rachel Maddow interviewing Senator Warren in November 2013 and a few notes on the senator’s natal planets and birth data including her Sun Cancer-Moon Taurus personality blend and her prominent personality-describing conjunction of Sun and Uranus.
Elizabeth Warren Would Make A Much Better President Than Hillary Clinton
Elizabeth Warren Would Make A Much Better President Than Hillary Clinton January 2, 2014. Manhattan. When Goldman Sachs invites you to a party, you go, especially if you have your sights set on a Presidential run in 2016. And that’s exactly what Hillary Clinton did two weeks ago. Speaking to the exclusive crowd of millionaires and billionaires, the former Secretary of State
Rachel Maddow with Senator Elizabeth Warren: Expand Social Security! (video)
Click to watch Rachel Maddow interview Senator Elizabeth Warren on how we need to expand Social Security benefits, not reduce them which would thereby increase poverty levels in America.
Unexpectedly I had to miss the original msnbc broadcast of this discussion so I’m embedding its link here. The page includes information on signing a pertinent petition recommended by Senator Warren along with a
July 22 2013 Aquarius Full Moon a ‘supermoon’
Yes, today at 2:16 pm edt, a Full Moon perfects @00AQ05 and is, in fact, a ‘supermoon’, a phenomenon labeled as such by master astrologer Richard Nolle.
Perhaps you’d like more information on tonight’s ‘supermoon’ with its degree conjoining the US presidential Sun, as noted previously in a recent post.
Plus, today marks America’s Jupiter Return (or, Jupiter Reward Cycle, a la Noel Tyl!), a 12
"In Debt We Trust" (a Schechter documentary)
Our Serfdom of Debt and Oppression
by Jude Cowell
Well, Mr. Danny Schechter has done it again. He’s created an elucidating documentary In Debt We Trust (1 1/2 hours long) which begins in church and reminds me of Bush43 immediately after the attacks of 9/11/01 superficially advising the American people that our best response was to, "Go shopping."
No, consumerism is not a religion but it is a
2012 noms: Romney Moon-Neptune–Obama Moon/SN
2012 Nominations: Romney = Moon-Neptune, Obama = Moon/SN
by Jude Cowell
Since in America the astrological Moon signifies We the People, the public, and publicity and is an excellent timer of human activity, let’s consider the Moon-Neptune combo of August 30, 2012 under which Mitt Romney accepted his party’s nomination for president along with tonight’s lunar portents as President Obama