Tag: Climate Change

August Horoscopes: Start With A Bang …

  The month begins with a hugely important conjunction between fiery Mars and rebellious Uranus. This is an exciting breakthrough, a picket line, an accident, a passionate clinch — because it makes a conjunction with the North Node, it may be life changing. The rest of the month is exciting too, in a breathless sort […]

The post August Horoscopes: Start With A Bang … appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.


To understand astrology is to see patterns: geometry across space, cycles through time, patterns of behaviour or events. At the time of writing, a virus spreads across China, the president of the United States breaks that country’s constitution, locusts ravage East Africa, giant fires roar across Australia, the European Union loses a key member… There […]


To understand astrology is to see patterns: geometry across space, cycles through time, patterns of behaviour or events. At the time of writing, a virus spreads across China, the president of the United States breaks that country’s constitution, locusts ravage East Africa, giant fires roar across Australia, the European Union loses a key member… There […]

Astrology of Now: Into the Red Zone

“Because we focused on the snake, we missed the scorpion.” Proverb from Egypt If you happen to have any planets or important angles between 17° and 22° in just about any sign, you will be feeling a mighty pull of astrology this week and next. But the astrology is so strong that every one of us who heeds the zeitgeist, will witness something. This is a season of tension. First of all, there’s that tough knot in Capricorn — South Node 17°, Saturn 19° and Pluto 22°. This unforgiving combination has been transforming the lives of many over the past […]

The post Astrology of Now: Into the Red Zone appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.

Greta Thunberg, One of the Wise Children

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward […]

The post Greta Thunberg, One of the Wise Children appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.

Jupiter/Saturn, sunspot cycles, and 2012

Thanks to John and Susan Townley for finding this article about the research of the late Rhodes Fairbridge of the effects of Jupiter on our earthly climate. It has been known for some time that Jupiter has an effect on sunspots which correlate to changes in our climate, but no one really understood why. It turns out the answer […]

The post Jupiter/Saturn, sunspot cycles, and 2012 appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.