Tag: synastry

Before Synastry: A Very Basic Look at Charts

Because I’m awfully lucky, I have a copy of Richard Idemon’s Through the Looking Glass: A Search for the Self in the Mirror of Relationships. The book is a transcript of a week-long seminar that Richard did and it has been edited into a book by another person I love to read, Howard Sasportas. In […]

The Value Of Synastry

“Getting pleasure out of the fear of others is something most of us cannot relate to– until we recall the glee of every teenager who startles a friend or sibling by jumping out of the dark.”
–Gavin de Becker, “The Gift of Fear”

I Think I Love You

Following the re-publishing of my synastry piece by Sasstrology the other day, I thought I’d re-publish the companion piece. Here it is…
I was sleeping and right in the middle of a good dream
Like all at once I wake up from something that …

Whats Love Got to Do With It?

A second hand emotion or something more? Sasstrology, that sassy astro site which talks about all things love, sex and stars, has reprinted one of my Love etc posts- and made it look a damn sight finer than my original. Check out the link here.

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This article covers the basics of synastry chart compatibility, the aspects between two charts and the midpoint-in- time, Davison relationship chart. I provide Synastry readings, and by way of an introduction, a $19 Love Test. This is based on research detailed in the Horoscope Compatibility Test. You can also look further into synastry in Best Synastry Aspects. You can find all the synastry posts marina has written in the synastry category. Synastry Compatibility  Finding true love with a soulmate is not all that it’s cracked up to be. It’s more likely to be a case of “Help, I’ve found my soul mate!” In synastry astrology, the 7th house is not just the house of marriage, it is also the house of open enemies. It is also opposed the 1st house of the physical self. Therefore the supposed “Soul mate” relationship is very often a tug of war on many levels. What may feel destined could also be a number of things. The beloved could be reflecting strongly back to you your animus or anima, what you are lacking in your chart, what you have disowned in your chart or, when the relationship turns sour, your worst demons. With synastry chart compatibility, squares and challenging […]