* Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Monday is governed by the Moon, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on Luna.November 1: Can Virgo Moon Derail Mars in Sagittarius’ Hunt for Adventure?This is an exceptional day on the …
Happy Hall-o-’ween!
I tried to post three hours ago and I got, get this, ghost writing! Yes! I would write and nothing showed in the text space here at WordPress–it was very distressing, after a hellacious day doing the last little doodads … Continue reading…
Horocopes for Oct 31 to Nov 7: New Moon In Scorpio
Overview The New Moon occurs in Scorpio on November 5th, giving everyone the potential to manifest what they want. See where Scorpio falls in your chart: this is the area to focus on what you want to transform. Neptune goes … Continue readi…
Poetry Hour: Happy Halloween!
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers and followers a very happy Halloween!
As usual for this time of year we have a lot of planetary activity in Scorpio. Mars has only just left its sign to enter Sagittarius finally bringi…
It’s Halloween and I’m Being Haunted By The Holy Ghost!
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsThis is the seventh post in my Sunday series entitled The Risen Sun. It incorporates some of the messages from the service I attend at Eastminster United Church. If you attend a place of worship and als…
Vampires Have Come to the Daylight
Happy Halloween everyone! This is a guest post by Agnieszka who writes the astrology blog Siriusastro. Vampires of the “Twilight” saga has been tamed, domesticated, ripped of Neptunian fog and
When Someone Violates Your Copy Right
(Astroblogging) Nothing frustrates a writer more than when someone lifts their work and uses it without permission. The thief may publish the article under his or her own name. Online writers face special challenges because their work is easily copied … Continue reading →
The Astrology of Halloween: Last Minute Halloween Costumes
Halloween is here and you are thinking about what what you are going to wear to the party. Well, you don’t have much time, and surely haven’t had a clue so far. Let your astrologer lead the way. Fires signs, … Continue reading →
Leo Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1
If you’ve got your eye on someone, there’ll be no holding you back from going straight after ‘em! And chances are you’ll get what or whom you want. But is it a flash in the pan or a long-term thing? That depends largely on what you want – and this is an exceptional period to […]
Capricorn Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1
Whether you’re already hooked up or looking for love, nothing short of a long-term commitment will satisfy you. That’s why this is a great week to address any relationship issues that need solving. It doesn’t get any easier than this to get on the same page and to work together towards building a beautiful future. […]