The Daily Planets

* Artwork courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsSince Monday is governed by the Moon, let’s see what the planets are up to, with an emphasis on Luna.November 1: Can Virgo Moon Derail Mars in Sagittarius’ Hunt for Adventure?This is an exceptional day on the …

Happy Hall-o-’ween!

 I tried to post three hours ago and I got, get this, ghost writing! Yes! I would write and nothing showed in the text space here at WordPress–it was very distressing, after a hellacious day doing the last little doodads … Continue reading…

Horocopes for Oct 31 to Nov 7: New Moon In Scorpio

Overview The New Moon occurs in Scorpio on November 5th, giving everyone the potential to manifest what they want.  See where Scorpio falls in your chart:  this is the area to focus on what you want to transform.  Neptune goes … Continue readi…

Poetry Hour: Happy Halloween!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers and followers a very happy Halloween!
As usual for this time of year we have a lot of planetary activity in Scorpio.  Mars has only just left its sign to enter Sagittarius finally bringi…

Leo Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1

If you’ve got your eye on someone, there’ll be no holding you back from going straight after ‘em! And chances are you’ll get what or whom you want. But is it a flash in the pan or a long-term thing? That depends largely on what you want – and this is an exceptional period to […]

Capricorn Love Horoscope for the Week of November 1

Whether you’re already hooked up or looking for love, nothing short of a long-term commitment will satisfy you. That’s why this is a great week to address any relationship issues that need solving. It doesn’t get any easier than this to get on the same page and to work together towards building a beautiful future. […]