Tag: Uranus square Pluto

New Moon in Aries: The Taming

We start out as wild horses, and life is the process by which we’re tamed. Some of us are civilized by gentle masters who teach us restraint without breaking our spirits. Others were brutalized by cruel circumstances that taught us to trample everything in our paths. Most of us have encountered both types of master; some days we gallop, and some days we trample….

The post New Moon in Aries: The Taming appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.

Uranus Square Pluto

The effects of Uranus square Pluto are clearly being felt around the world. The Pluto/Uranus conjunction in the 1960′s was the seed moment that started this process. This square had been mainly looked at as representing political change, but I …

Better Together…

New Moons, as we know, are empty blackboard times- a chance to start afresh…but before beginning something new, you must, of course, finish something off. If we’ve been following the course of La Luna, the last few days with the…Read more &#8…

Esoteric websites to be banned along with porn in the UK

I think we can categorize this under the square of Uranus to Pluto:  Obsessive (Pluto) government practices (Capricorn) cracking down (square) the technological rights (Uranus) of individuals to feed their own minds (Aries). From the Huffington Post: The United Kingdom’s new internet filters promise to block much more than just pornography, according to a report by the digital advocacy organization Open Rights Group. Last week, Prime Minister David Cameron announced online porn would soon become automatically blocked in order to “protect children and their innocence.” The filters will be implemented by the UK’s […]

The post Esoteric websites to be banned along with porn in the UK appeared first on Astrological Musings by Lynn Hayes.

Something about using your words…

Tuesday June 18, 2013 Moon into Libra Tuesday is Mars’ day. And today, dear readers, we have ourselves a t-square. There’s not a lot more that Mars likes than the potential of some conflict, so he could find himself very…Read more →