Neptune is involved with a pair of Fingers of God, once as apex, once in the base, but both times …Continue reading →
Tag: mercury retrograde
Mercury Retrograde 23 August 2023: Look To The Moon
Mercury has just begun one of its periodic apparent backward journeys, at 21 Virgo 51, right around 1 PM Pacific …Continue reading →
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Think It Over
Mercury, the planet of communications, speed and thought turns retrograde on 23 August. This is his third retrograde of 2023 — first in Capricorn, then Taurus, now Virgo. There will be another in December. All are in practical earth signs, which means this most the rethinking or redoing associated with a retrograde are likely […]
The post Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Think It Over appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.
Planetary news this week: Virgo season, Pisces Full Moon, much more!
Astrological update for the week of August 21-18, 2023 There’s a lot to unpack this week! Grab a coffee or cup of tea and let’s get cracking. Sun enters Virgo August 23. The Sun’s entry into Virgo technically marks the beginning of Virgo season, but with Mercury and Mars already in Virgo the focus on […]
The post Planetary news this week: Virgo season, Pisces Full Moon, much more! appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.
Backing Up to Make Sense, Mercury Retrograde, Sun enters Virgo | Astrology for August 21-27
August Horoscopes: Potent Memories Brew
It’s a strange month, full of nostalgia for other Augusts, even ones you never knew. We are cupped between two bright harvest Moons — on 1 August and 31 August in the final signs of the Zodiac, Aquarius and Pisces, bringing us to the halfway mark of the astrological year at the end of the […]
The post August Horoscopes: Potent Memories Brew appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.
Burning Bridges | Solar Eclipse/Aries New Moon, April 17-23
Major c…
Mercury Retrograde 21 April 2023 What, Again?
Merc in Taurus pauses mid-sign and plows in apparent backward motion at 1:35 AM PDT of the 21st, and our …Continue reading →
The Green Man, Mercury Retrograde & Eclipses: Taurus Season Podcast
Planetary news this week: Solar eclipse awakening and Mercury turns retrograde
Astrological update for the week of April 17-24, 2023 all images on this page by me & AI Solar eclipse. The big news this week is the solar eclipse at the very last few minutes of Aries. I wrote about this last week but it bears repeating as we enter the doorway to the […]
The post Planetary news this week: Solar eclipse awakening and Mercury turns retrograde appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.