Tag: Climate Change

July 7, 2017 Trump-Putin Face Off at G-20 Hamburg

Recently when we Moon Tracked the Hamburg G-20 Summit through Friday and Saturday July 7th and 8th, the face-to-face between Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin was being billed as a "sidelines" meeting (tryst, I call it) but since then their face off has been characterized as an official meeting which should mean that there will be others in the room to record it. If so, that remains to be seen.


An Historic Breakthrough on Climate Change

On Saturday, at 19.26 in Paris, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius brought down his gavel. Delegates from 196 countries, crammed into a debating chamber, erupted into applause. A global agreement had been reached on tackling climate change. The UN’s climate change agreement is not perfect, but it is a huge breakthrough. Getting 196 countries to agree on anything is almost impossible — as was shown at previous climate summits which ended in disarray. This summit was run with French organisation and diplomatic chutzpah. And it’s clear that predictions made 40 years ago that the ice caps would melt and that weather would become unstable and extreme […]

The post An Historic Breakthrough on Climate Change appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.

Did climate change help collapse the Roman Empire?

Having mixed feelings about the report that climate change may have had a part in the Fall of the Roman Empire, I’m posting this link to see if any of my astute readers have an opinion on the matter.Given today’s environmental concerns and debates, one must hold back from typing "history repeats"…oops! It broke through anyway.And if like me you’re interested in Science’s cloning of a woolly