Tag: Moon

New Year, New Moon Solar Eclipse

Here we are, looking towards the start of another year.  2011 promises to grab our attention from the start with a solar eclipse on January 4th at 13 degrees Capricorn.  The eclipse takes place on a New Moon so it … Continue reading →

Synastry Studies: Conjunctions–Sacred Marriage or Train Wreck?

I think, of all the aspects in synastry, the most misinterpreted is the conjunction. It’s easy to understand why. There’s something romantic about a conjunction, something seductive. Two (or more, sometimes) become one. How lovely. There is a basic archetype at work here, the reconciliation of differing energies, the merging of two separate forces. On […]

Saying Goodbye With The Waning Moon in Libra

Today the Moon enters Libra but she won’t feel much like socializing.  The Moon is in her last phase (Waning Crescent) before the New Moon.  If the New Moon is the time to start things, the Waning Moon is the … Continue reading →

29 September 2010: Reading the Tea Leaves

The next Lunar statement is made when the Gemini Moon squares Mercury in Virgo ; communication is what it’s all about, and it’s coming from all sides. This is likely to be the theme for today, building to perfection very close to … …