Tag: Woolly Mammoth Chronicles

The May 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse spotlights an important event

Wow! A Heads-Up:

As I updated my blog Woolly Mammoth Chronicles just now I ran across news of an event being held on Saturday May 25, 2013, the very day of a Lunar Eclipse!

The event is a much-needed March Against Monsanto with its Moon-related issues of nourishment, food, grain, seeds, crops, and how the leviathan company is ruining everything with genetic modification of food and patenting

Peter Schiff on the US financial condition (Alex Jones video)

March-April 2011: Alex Jones speaks with economist Peter Schiff on finances, capitalism, bailouts for the super-rich, unions, scapegoating the Middle Class, class warfare (Pluto/Chiron’s baby), taxes, Fortune 100 corporations like GE and Google which helped write loopholes into Obama’s financial reform bill, the Fed, and much more.Part 1 of 2Part 2 of 2(Personally, I’m unable to say that the

Did climate change help collapse the Roman Empire?

Having mixed feelings about the report that climate change may have had a part in the Fall of the Roman Empire, I’m posting this link to see if any of my astute readers have an opinion on the matter.Given today’s environmental concerns and debates, one must hold back from typing "history repeats"…oops! It broke through anyway.And if like me you’re interested in Science’s cloning of a woolly

A New Year and the natal chart of Barack Obama

In this, my last post to you until after the New Year, I pass the astro-baton to expert astrologer Donna Cunningham and her article on New Year’s intentions (rather than resolutions), hot zones in horoscopes, transits to these important degree areas, and the natal chart of President Obama (displayed.)Now Donna’s New Year offering is but one of the many instructive articles to be found on her