Tag: US Progressions Jan 2019

US Progressions w/ the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse

America in January 2019, a Lunar Eclipse, POTUS, Pelosi, and Immigrationby Jude CowellJanuary 19, 2019: at 4:00 pm est today, Mr. Trump seems determined to speak on an immigration compromise allegedly intended to jump start negotiations over the Trump Shutdown now in its 29th day. So far Democrats are said to be unimpressed and he has yet to open his mouth. In a chart set up for today at 4:00 pm

US Progressions w/ the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse

America in January 2019, a Lunar Eclipse, POTUS, Pelosi, and Immigrationby Jude CowellJanuary 19, 2019: at 4:00 pm est today, Mr. Trump seems determined to speak on an immigration compromise allegedly intended to jump start negotiations over the Trump Shutdown now in its 29th day. So far Democrats are said to be unimpressed and he has yet to open his mouth. In a chart set up for today at 4:00 pm