Tag: Upton Sinclair quote

9.10.12 Congress’ pre-election session (Virgo-Cancer)

In Spite of Approval Rating in Dumps, Congress Skulks Back to Washington

by Jude Cowell

Well, the US Congress has returned to Washington today to that Masonic temple on The Hill and has threatened to do a smidgeon of business such as applying itself to a stop-gap budget this afternoon to keep the place open and what passes for functioning. Or not.

Sun and Moon Tracking September 10–14,

1934 v 2012 in Politics (video)

Upton Sinclair 1934 and Greg Mitchell 2012

by Jude Cowell

Yes, Republicans have been attempting to ‘roll back New Deal programs’ since FDR set them up in the 1930s and it seems that he was inspired by Upton Sinclair’s EPIC efforts in California (kind of like Obamacare being inspired by Mitt Romney’s healthcare program when he was governor of Massachusetts!) Turns out the year 1934 is