by Jude Cowell
December 29, 2021
Have you heard that two Alex Jones employees have been arrested by the Department of Justice? That, and several other tidbits of Jan 6th prosecution information are revealed in the following podcast hosted by Nicole Sandler, subbing for the vacationing Brad Friedman of The BradBlog, during Nicole’s recent interview with emptywheel’s Marcy Wheeler so check it out
Tag: TheBradBlog
Kevin Drum says Fox ‘News’ Broke America
September 19, 2021: Perhaps you caught it already but in case you didn’t you might want to check out progressive broadcaster and muckraker Brad Friedman’s September 17th podcast which includes his guest journalist Kevin Drum on How Fox ‘News’ Broke America.
On Twitter he’s kdrum, plus you can find Mr. Friedman there too tweeting as TheBradBlog.
And speaking of the undermining of America,