March 17, 2018: Max Igan episode 327 via American Voice Radio in which Max reminds us that World War III started years ago and it’s the power elite vs The People. Also discussed: crypto-currencies, social crediting, and the cashless control grid: Supp…
Tag: power elite
Dystopian Nightmare: Eyewitness Decries Police Repression at G20 Summit …
July 7, 2017: Amy Goodman reports for Democracy Now:
A Stars Over Washington Guest Post: Divide and Conquer – The Illuminati Agenda
February 18, 2017: Today I am pleased to present a Guest Post by young astrologer, Kevin Estes writing on what may be a topic familiar to readers of Stars Over Washington. The implementation of a global ‘big picture’ agenda via the undermining of traditional institutions has come into clearer focus in 2017 and in his post Kevin, author of Left Wing Astrology, covers the generational aspects of
Elites Openly Calling to Rise Up Against the Masses – video report
Did anyone think the Brexit Vote of June 23rd and other mass movements toward national sovereignty would go unanswered by the win-at-any-cost gaggle of power elites?
Here’s the video link in case the video is removed from SO’W.
And be sure to check out WeAreChange on Facebook. In fact, with my preference for American sovereignty, I’ll meet you there!
Related posts include: Horoscopes:
The Battle of the Billionaires: Who would win? Romney vs Trump? – video
This isn’t the first presidential dance that Mitt and Donald have performed for us!
For more reports visit Thom Hartmann for progressive news, political commentaries, interesting interviews, and other features.
June 8, 2015 The President Speaks at G7 Summit in Germany
#G7 #SchlossElmau #Germany #PresidentObama #powerelite #solutions
A Power Elite Masquerade
It is my considered opinion that if "world leaders" and their wealthy enablers would stop ruining most of what they touch, meddling in other people’s business, undermining governmental systems and economies, embezzling whatever they can grasp, and creating problems where few existed before–while
Astrology and the G7 Summit June 7 and 8, 2015 Schloss Elmau, Gemany
June 2015: Germany, France, Italy, the UK, Japan, the US, Canada, and the European Commission Hunker Down
Details concerning the June 7 & 8, 2015 G7 Summit in Germany are available for the curious. Included are this year’s motto ("Think Ahead. Act Together"), key topics, and what this year’s symbols stand for though obviously symbols can represent a variety of levels of reality, all tucked
“Walking the Knife Edge” – Max Igan
#SurvivingtheMatrix #MaxIgan #worldhistory #Disinformation This is a 15-minute excerpt from a recent Max Igan broadcast. Following up on the rest is recommended.
Video: "How The Elite Stay In Power" – A Message for The People of the World
A New Year’s Message for The People in only 5 minutes 29 seconds… My thanks and regards to Alexandra Bruce at Forbidden Knowledge TV for sending along a heads-up about this video! Jude
Robert Reich: What’s Wrong with the Economy? (video)
Besides his clear explanation of What’s Wrong with the Economy? given here in 2 minutes 15 seconds or so, I confess that this lifelong draw-er had no idea that Professor Reich could draw this well!