Tag: Obamacare

Trump Healthcare – Will His Secret Plan Help Republicans Win in 2020? clip

Wouldn’t changing the ACA’s name to ‘Trumpcare’ fool the raptor?
Nab more from Thom Hartmann. And note that Thom Hartmann is live Monday to Friday from 12 to 3 PM ET. Call in on 202-808-9925.
~:~Now one question I have is, if Republicans could snap their fingers and eliminate all social safety net programs in the US what would taxpayers’ monies go to then? Or should I ask, whose pocket would the

Are There Fascists In America? Yes and They Aren’t Who You Think They Are

Sept 26, 2017: an excerpt from today’s Thom Hartmann broadcast with a question that seems more appropriate each day:


For years Stars Over Washington and other blogs and sites have featured warnings about such potentials. Here are eight posts closely related to the topics discussed by Thom Hartmann in the video excerpt, above:

Hitler’s Progressed New Moon Exact: February 24, 2017: Is It

The GOP Health Care Bill: Why Health Care Should Be Singlepayer

Here’s the latest post by millennial astrologer Kevin Estes which first appeared on his Left Wing Astrology blog:

The GOP Health Care Bill – Why Health Care Should Be Singlepayer

One of the main focuses this summer has been the attempted repeal of Obamacare by the GOP. The current bill would leave millions of people uninsured if it passes, but the biggest eye opener is that Congress would be

Astro-Notes: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Back in 2010 when the Affordable Care Act (‘Obamacare’) legislation was all the Republican rage around Washington and elsewhere and the GOPers were well into their mantra of "Make Obama Fail", I posted a few astro-notes concerning the (noon) natal chart of Senator Mitch McConnell with a gracious helping of President Obama’s planets tossed in for comparison’s sake. You’re welcome to read those

June 22, 2017 Republicans Reveal Trumpcare and a New Moon Follows

This morning on Capitol Hill, and during a Dark of the Moon phase when operating in secrecy is a given, senate Republicans revealed their healthcare bill, their answer to a promised repeal and replacement of what they’ve famously termed ‘Obamacare’. Under a changeable Gemini Moon (and with Gemini’s ruler Mercury, plus, Mars in Cancer, out-of-bounds and writing and doing who-knows-what),

2017: Transit Neptune Veils US Progressed Sun in Pisces

With December 24, 2008 marking *America’s Secondary Progressed (SP) Full Moon @4Vir10 (SP Sun 4Pis10), transit Neptune in Pisces has been nipping at the heels of our nation’s SP Sun, an astrological significator for the evolved position of the role of US president. As you know, US natal Sun began at 13Cancer in 1776 conjunct starry Sirius, the pagan goddess star; from 13Cancer US Sun has now

America, Pluto, Ceres, Chiron, and Two Eclipses

Pluto, Ceres, Chiron, America, and the 2017 Solar Eclipses in Pisces and Leo

by Jude Cowell

Since the early days of Stars Over Washington (2005) my attention has sometimes been drawn to a certain trio: power planet of domination, Pluto (27Cap Rx), security-minded nurturer Ceres, and wounder/wounded healer, mentor, and blind spot, Chiron (20Aries) in America’s July 4, 1776 natal horoscope. As

GOP Leaders Hiding From Angry Constituents to Avoid Obamacare Questions – clip

Well, our in-breach-of-the-public-trust politicians were directed to arouse the American people into revolting against their outrageous sorriness and complete lack of decency. But now they’re running scared from We the Masses!

But then there’s This Just In: during his pre-Superbowl interview with Bill O’Reilly shown today, Mr. Trump said a roll out of the Republican replacement plan for

Trump Sets Up Next Great Recession – video report

Feb 3, 2017: you’ll remember that Mr. Trump and other of his minions threatened the ruination of the Dodd-Frank legislation and its protections for the American people and the US economy during his campaign and since, and today he’s been chipping away at, and will ultimately destroy, its provisions. That seems reckless and irrational because, since having Dodd-Frank in place, the US economy has