Tag: Monsanto

"The Toxic Assault on Our children" (Bill Moyers video)

Of Lunar Needs, Poisonings, and Plutocracy

by Jude Cowell

On Saturday May 25, 2013, a global March Against Monsanto is scheduled and a *Lunar Eclipse will occur @4Sag08. As you know, the astrological Moon in Mundane or Political Astrology signifies The People or The Public while retaining its ‘nurturance, food and food supplies, sustenance, reigning need’ implications.

As one of the primary

The May 25, 2013 Lunar Eclipse spotlights an important event

Wow! A Heads-Up:

As I updated my blog Woolly Mammoth Chronicles just now I ran across news of an event being held on Saturday May 25, 2013, the very day of a Lunar Eclipse!

The event is a much-needed March Against Monsanto with its Moon-related issues of nourishment, food, grain, seeds, crops, and how the leviathan company is ruining everything with genetic modification of food and patenting

Will Sen. Roy Blunt step down over Monsanto Protection Act?

May I Be Blunt about Blunt?

by Jude Cowell

Just a quick heads-up concerning the hideously frankenteinian Monsanto Protection Act championed by Missouri Senator Roy Blunt who is being asked by the Organic Consumers Association to step down from his lofty senate perch of special privilege.

Wonder how many pesos it takes for a US senator to sell out the American people, their health, and the

Germany bans planting of Monsanto’s GM corn

Will the multi-national US corporation Monsanto fight the ban on genetically modified corn Germany has announced?My guess is, yes. Unless Monsanto decides it’s not in their best interests to air their dirty GM laundry in court for all to see.For an interesting article on what it’s like to grow corn (with lovely photos, too) and what happens when one variety crosses with another try The Ladybug