Tag: Mars-ASC

Planet Mars on Trump’s Mind – and natal Ascendant

July 27, 2019: As the steamy month of August 2019 approaches and transit Mars in Leo nears a return to its position in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump (August 11 @26Leo46), the hazy focus of his nibs includes NASA’s proposed Mars Mission which necessarily must include a stop-over on Earth’s Moon. Yet Trump wants to go directly to Mars, no stop-overs and no safety measures. If this sounds to

Planet Mars on Trump’s Mind – and natal Ascendant

July 27, 2019: As the steamy month of August 2019 approaches and transit Mars in Leo nears a return to its position in the natal horoscope of Donald Trump (August 11 @26Leo46), the hazy focus of his nibs includes NASA’s proposed Mars Mission which necessarily must include a stop-over on Earth’s Moon. Yet Trump wants to go directly to Mars, no stop-overs and no safety measures. If this sounds to

Equinoxes, Solstices, Mars, and the 2016 Campaign

Campaign 2016: The White-Clad Goddess vs The Red-Faced Barbarian

As you know, a Spring Equinox or Aries Ingress Horoscope (2016 chart shown) is ‘good for’ the entire year it describes. In the Spring Equinox 2016 chart, aggressive warrior Mars rises in similar fashion to Mars rising (in proud Leo) in the natal horoscope of candidate Donald Trump. On one level this demonstrates the presidential