Tag: John Kerry

"American Democracy: Murder Spies And Voting Lies" video

With the November 4, 2014 Mid-Terms on our political agenda, here’s a 26-minute video mash-up detailing the voter fraud and corruption of the Bush-Kerry election of 2004 to reflect upon:

My thanks to Forbidden Knowledge TV for the heads-up on this video.

And in case I have no chance to post an article concerning the horoscopes of the November 2014 elections please note that in a recent

"Syria and the Terrorist Governments of the Western World" (Max Igan video)

Rogue Nation: Rationalizing Terrorism and Sacrificing Innocent Children

by Jude Cowell

Having tech issues of late, friends, but want to post in spite of it because I think the following Max Igan presentation is timely and enlightening especially considering next week’s potential vote in Congress to oppress yet another region of the Middle East and that, via acting and pretending in a dizzy

Sec of State John Kerry: a ‘new world order’ (video)

There’s a ‘higher’ agenda and has been for many years in Washington DC about creating a ‘new world order’ or as some call it, a ‘new world economic order’. We saw evidence with the attacks of 9/11/01 and Financial Collapse 2008.

Since I didn’t bother to watch Senator Kerry’s recent (certain) confirmation hearing for Secretary of State, I missed his repeated reference to a ‘new world order’

Keiser Report: Bankers’ Big Lie and MF Global (video)

Here’s Max Keiser and guests discussing financial topics such as John Corzine’s MF Global scandal of major proportions and the Big Lie that ‘bankers are not responsible for Financial Crash 2008’…puh! How gullible do they think we are?Well, the Federal Reserve central banking (extortion-laundering-manipulating) system of the US (tied at the navel with Britain’s: turns out Alexander Hamilton

Leaving behind No Child Left Behind, ‘Tea Party Downgrade’, and London

Three Cheers Hurrah! August 8, 2011

by Jude Cowell

Well, the first item is what I consider good news for a Monday with little of it to spare!

The Obama administration will grant waivers to allow interested states to end-run around the ridiculous, teach-to-test-impart-no-knowledge No Child Left Behind Act that Bush & crew put in place to dumb down the US populace and destroy our educational