In yet another stalling attempt on behalf of Donald Trump, it looks as if AG Bill Barr will pass the Mueller Report to Congress on or around April 15 (2019) smack dab in the middle of lawmakers’ upcoming 19-day congressional recess (April 10 to April 29). If I were a Democrat in Congress I’d make certain to be on hand to receive the thing, however redacted it may be.Of course, Trump lurks behind
Tag: Iran-Contra
April 2019 Lunations, Nemesis, and AG Bill Barr Stalls
In yet another stalling attempt on behalf of Donald Trump, it looks as if AG Bill Barr will pass the Mueller Report to Congress on or around April 15 (2019) smack dab in the middle of lawmakers’ upcoming 19-day congressional recess (April 10 to April 29). If I were a Democrat in Congress I’d make certain to be on hand to receive the thing, however redacted it may be.Of course, Trump lurks behind
‘The Secret Government’ Bill Moyers 1987 film (video)
During the Reagan administration, America’s secret-invisible-shadow (Neptune) government (Saturn) perpetrated many naughty things behind our backs in Nicaragua and elsewhere and the fiasco was investigated by Bill Moyers who warned that things would g…
Bush-Reagan-Obama and Solar Eclipses 1991/2009
With his usual insight, journalist Robert Parry of Consortium News has written what for me is an expose of the links between the Iran-Contra scandal of Ronald Reagan (1981) and the Gulf War of George H. W. Bush (1991) – Poppy’s "100 hours of carnage."Mr. Parry ignored his employer’s instructions (Newsweek) at the time and set up an interview with a key witness, Israeli operative Ari Ben-Menashe,