Tag: immigration

Spring EQ 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power

Here’s the Spring Equinox 2023 (Aries Ingress) Horoscope set for Washington DC, our representative for America herself; March 20, 2023 5:24:48 pm edt; chart and midheaven ruler Mercury @3Ari24 conjuncts 8th cusp and makes no applying Ptolemaic aspect; with Mercury in Mars-ruled Aries at this Hour of Mars in chatty Gemini, we may expect the typical abundance of discussions, debates, quarrels, and

Spring EQ 2023: Secrets, Delusion, Power

Here’s the Spring Equinox 2023 (Aries Ingress) Horoscope set for Washington DC, our representative for America herself; March 20, 2023 5:24:48 pm edt; chart and midheaven ruler Mercury @3Ari24 conjuncts 8th cusp and makes no applying Ptolemaic aspect; with Mercury in Mars-ruled Aries at this Hour of Mars in chatty Gemini, we may expect the typical abundance of discussions, debates, quarrels, and

VP Harris to Guatemala with Mars-Pluto opposition visiting the nation’s Mars-Pluto Square

Image: Guatemala City; Rudy Cano, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Three Horoscopes for Guatemala but One Chart Stands Out
by Jude Cowell
Monday June 7, 2021: As you know, this week Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden’s point-person on immigration, is visiting Guatemala and Mexico concerning the whys and wherefores of US-Mexican border immigration. So far, reports are that she’s

When Jupiter Returns to his Spring EQ 2019 position

A view of the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope shows Jupiter in 4th house (IC @12Sag10 conjunct US 1776 Ascendant in late afternoon charts). As you know, astrological Jupiter is strong in its own sign of Sagittarius (23:40) and can play many roles on various levels within mundane horoscopes: politician, banker, financier, donor, corporatist, lawyer, judge, entertainer, religious figure (exs: hermit,

When Jupiter Returns to his Spring EQ 2019 position

A view of the Spring Equinox 2019 Horoscope shows Jupiter in 4th house (IC @12Sag10 conjunct US 1776 Ascendant in late afternoon charts). As you know, astrological Jupiter is strong in its own sign of Sagittarius (23:40) and can play many roles on various levels within mundane horoscopes: politician, banker, financier, donor, corporatist, lawyer, judge, entertainer, religious figure (exs: hermit,

Horoscopes: Trump Shutdown w Feb 1, 2019 Planets

January 21, 2019: below you see a bi-wheel of DC Horoscopes with the Trump Shutdown chart (December 22, 2018 12:00 am est) in center surrounded by the transits of February 1, 2019. My reason for using February 1, 2019 is that this times the exact opposition of transit Jupiter (Mr. Money Bags) to the natal 10th house Uranus of chaos-creator Donald Trump, a significant transit when financing and

Horoscopes: Trump Shutdown w Feb 1, 2019 Planets

January 21, 2019: below you see a bi-wheel of DC Horoscopes with the Trump Shutdown chart (December 22, 2018 12:00 am est) in center surrounded by the transits of February 1, 2019. My reason for using February 1, 2019 is that this times the exact opposition of transit Jupiter (Mr. Money Bags) to the natal 10th house Uranus of chaos-creator Donald Trump, a significant transit when financing and

US Progressions w/ the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse

America in January 2019, a Lunar Eclipse, POTUS, Pelosi, and Immigrationby Jude CowellJanuary 19, 2019: at 4:00 pm est today, Mr. Trump seems determined to speak on an immigration compromise allegedly intended to jump start negotiations over the Trump Shutdown now in its 29th day. So far Democrats are said to be unimpressed and he has yet to open his mouth. In a chart set up for today at 4:00 pm

US Progressions w/ the January 21, 2019 Lunar Eclipse

America in January 2019, a Lunar Eclipse, POTUS, Pelosi, and Immigrationby Jude CowellJanuary 19, 2019: at 4:00 pm est today, Mr. Trump seems determined to speak on an immigration compromise allegedly intended to jump start negotiations over the Trump Shutdown now in its 29th day. So far Democrats are said to be unimpressed and he has yet to open his mouth. In a chart set up for today at 4:00 pm