Tag: campaign finance reform

Interest Groups: Crash Course Government and Politics #42 – clip (w Venus)

An elucidating presentation! And now…this:

2016 Astrology and Politics: Valuable Venus Tells a Story

Our Bribery Capital, Washington DC (my former city of residence) has been called many things since 1776. Here’s a post that is possibly related to the ‘interest groups’ topic above. Or maybe not:

Washington DC: a ‘New Rome’? (includes two horoscopes: FDR’s 1933 Inauguration–and his

Why Hasn’t Obama Done Anything About Citizens United? – video

Can you doubt that his opponents would have reacted very negatively if President Obama had issued an executive order against the anti-democratic Citizens United decision the Supreme Court rendered in 2010? Still, it is puzzling that Mr. Obama doesn’t seem to have tried to do anything about Citizens United which makes me suspect that the Democratic Party is all for it, too–and their big bosses