Tag: Bailout the poor

LBJ’s War On Poverty: 1964 v 2014 planets

January 8, 2014: the 50th Anniversary of LBJ’s War On Poverty

Since Republicans and their wealthy backers have their ‘hearts’ set on more cuts to our nation’s safety net programs, many of which were created by President Johnson (Medicare, Food Stamps, Head Start, increased Social Security benefits for the elderly, etc), it may be good to reflect astrologically on January 8, 1964 v January 8,

Occupy Wall Street Protests: Corralling the Bull (video)

It’s been a busy couple of weeks here and since I’m feeling remiss for not blogging about the Occupy Wall Street protests that have been going on since Saturday September 17 in Zuccotti Park, NYC, here are two video reports on the situation.It makes me proud to say that several hundred+ Americans are acting on their principles and though it’s become quite novel these days for justice to triumph