Tag: A Child of the Revolution

Sept 18, 2019: 226 Years Ago the Capitol Cornerstone Laid

After yesterday’s circus theatrics and stonewalling before the House Judiciary Committee one is tempted to wonder if the United States Capitol Building remains standing on Capitol Hill where George Washington put it. Well, though its foundation may be somewhat shaken, it still stands even as the power of Congress over a rebellious Executive Branch is in question. For after all, the temple-like

Sept 18, 2019: 226 Years Ago the Capitol Cornerstone Laid

After yesterday’s circus theatrics and stonewalling before the House Judiciary Committee one is tempted to wonder if the United States Capitol Building remains standing on Capitol Hill where George Washington put it. Well, though its foundation may be somewhat shaken, it still stands even as the power of Congress over a rebellious Executive Branch is in question. For after all, the temple-like

Who Started The Destruction Of Public Trust? – clip (plus, Astrology)

Destruction of the Public Trust has been a topic through the years here on SO’W so I’m glad to find that progressive broadcaster Thom Hartmann and Professor Robert Reich have something to say on the subject. In the brief video, below, Thom discusses Professor Reich’s recent article which points to the win-at-any-cost antics of Republican Newt Gingrich during Bill Clinton’s presidency as one of,

Anonymous: Message to the United States Government 2016 – video

The US government, aided and abetted by the global corporate syndicate, is working to undermine the US Constitution. Tyranny has been the result of this infiltration and the time for resistance is Now:

The main purpose of Stars Over Washington: Astrological comments on America, on Washington DC, and on the politicians who infest them…; so types yours truly, A Child of the Revolution,

If Trump Quits, Would His Replacement Be Even Scarier? – video

Thom Hartmann poses an interesting question and so close to the November 8th election: who could (or would) replace 2016 Republican nominee Donald Trump on the GOP ticket and how awful would this be?

And may I say that as a *child of the Revolution, I deeply resent how the political establishment has gone along with the power elite who have provided the American people with a rock and a hard

"The Power of Possibility"–a Maxwell Igan video broadcast

Though it breaks my Child-of-the-Revolution heart to admit it but as we all know, the US government (military arm of the Corporate Global Government syndicate) falls squarely under the truism that ‘absolute power corrupts’:

Here from his excellent Surviving the Matrix series of broadcasts is Australia’s Max Igan:

Natal Horoscope: Ukraine with Jan-Feb 2014 Transits

The following horoscope for Ukraine is one of three given in Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes. It is set for December 1, 1991 6:00 EET when the announcement was made after a referendum that Ukraine was legally independent and the country "began to function as a genuinely independent sovereign state." I choose to show this version of a Ukraine natal chart because one of the current transits