Tag: 9 Old South

Libertarian Party Audience Heckles Trump

by Jude Cowell, partisan for the common good
By now you’ve seen clips of Trump being loudly booed and heckled as he attempted to deliver a speech at the Libertarian Convention now in progress (May 23–May 26). Agent Orange was trying to beg for Libertarian votes in November!
Checking the history of the Libertarian Party (US) we find that the party formed on December 11, 1971 after months of

An Eclipse Series ended in 1931: The End of an Epoch

1931: Britain’s Financial Change of Direction and a New Social Order
by Jude Cowell
Many of the historical events of 1931 are significant and a few of them stand out to me such as the ‘United Kingdom abandons the gold standard’ on September 20/21, 1931 under the influence of the 5 Old South Series (chart shown, below) which ended on September 11, 1931 (in the US; September 12th in the UK).

Two Solar Eclipses and Nixon’s War On Drugs

April 27 2021: By now most Americans are aware that Richard Nixon and his enablers invented America’s War On Drugs, which he announced in 1971, and was intended to incarcerate his ‘enemies’, those unruly African Americans demanding their Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam-War protesters, made up mostly of my idealistic Flower Power Generation of peaceniks.
So becoming curious to see if the 9 Old South