4:30 AM PST the Taurus Moon trines Pluto; it’s a New Year’s housecleaning both literal and figurative. We can ‘come clean’ in some important way, especially as the emotions relate to the material situation, and we may receive revelations about …
Tag: Moon in Taurus
Ducking for cover…and a recipe
The Moon is in Aries, so it has been action stations here in Chez Tracey. It seems almost criminal not to get in and get things done with the Arian energy around.
The first Pump class for the year was done & dusted, multiple loads of washing done a…
Just a Little Lunar Essence for Today 2 January 2012: ‘Getting Back in the Swing’
10 AM PST the Aries Moon opposes Saturn and sextiles Neptune. Reality is back but avoidable, if we want to comfort ourselves with fantasy, delusion, or other escape. Things may seem a little more harsh than they should be, and the instrument of this gr…
Just a Little Lunar Essence for Today 2 January 2012: ‘Getting Back in the Swing’
10 AM PST the Aries Moon opposes Saturn and sextiles Neptune. Reality is back but avoidable, if we want to comfort ourselves with fantasy, delusion, or other escape. Things may seem a little more harsh than they should be, and the instrument of this gr…
Just a Little Essence for Today 8 December 2011: ‘Goal: Reduce Emotional Chafing!’
Thought these two Lunar aspects were too important to leave hidden on the protected page; to see the rest, subscribe! 10:30 AM PST brings the Moon quincunx Saturn, hinting that we will either modify ourselves to reduce emotional chafing! or re-orient o…
All I Want for Xmas- The Taurus Edition
The Moon will be in Taurus by early tomorrow morning.
The monthly more is more abundance rules OK fest that is La Lunas hook up with Jupiter will follow soon after. This is one aspect that brings to mind the old joke about what Taurus Moon would say …
Just a Little Essence for the Weekend 14-16 October 2011: ‘Oh, Bother!’
We’ll start a little essence of the weekend with this aspect, tonight Pacific time: 11 PM the Taurus Moon quincunxes Juno; now we must adjust to our own or others’ empowerment needs–as Winnie the Pooh would say, Oh bother! For Saturday the 15…
Just a Little Essence for Today 13 October 2011: ‘At Cross-Purposes’
By 11 PM PDT the Taurus Moon forms the apex of a Finger of God with base of h.Zeus and North Node. This ushers in an opportunity for strong emotional expression in artistic, artisanal, and material forms, if we can align the ambition/ desire nature and…
Just a Little Essence for The Weekend 17-18 September 2011: ‘All Kinds of Wrong’
9 PM Pacific time the Moon squares Neptune, telling us that there may enter into our perceptions an unavoidable distortion or inspiration–try to be as clear as possible as to which is which. A sextile to Mars, who is restless in 29 degrees of Cancer,…
Just a Little Essence for Today 15 September 2011: ‘A Big Ol’ Venusian Reward’
The Moon enters Taurus at 12:25 PM PDT and immediately quincunxes Venus, which begins a Finger of God, apex Love, Moon sextile Chiron as base. So, if we heal our emotional state (and there are hints this might be accomplished through the materially cre…