18 January is an interesting day, as Merc and the Sun meet late in Capricorn (28 degrees) in Superior Conjunction, …Continue reading »
Tag: Moon in Taurus
On the Sabian for the Taurus Full Moon of 29 October 2012: ‘Never Thirst Again’
The Full Moon arrives at 12:48PM PDT of the 29th at 6 Taurus 47. Commentary on the meaning of the Full Moon is from the latest issue of ECLIPSE; this particular excerpt discusses the Sabian symbol for the meeting of Moon and Earth: The Sabian for the …
Just a Little Lunar Essence for Today 5 September 2012: ‘Feeling Ambitious’
A little something for your day; for much more, including people in the news, astrology practice and technique, and an aspect by aspect full Lunar and planetary report, delivered to your email every Thursday, please subscribe! 11 AM PDT kicks off a flu…
Just a Little Bit About Your Weekend 16-17 June 2012: ‘Step Carefully’
The 16th sees Venus square Chiron. This could consume us with relationship hurts, real or imagined (Pisces) or just thought about (Gemini), with the contemplation itself causing guilt and upset. We will be touchy, and so will others, and we must make a…
The Moon is in Taurus- great for relaxing, letting go and feeling at one with your body and the earth. The Moon in Taurus is also great for consolidating something that needs to be, well, consolidated. What it’s not great for is digging in your heels…
Your Weekend 18-20 May 2012: ‘Take Shelter, Be Ready’
All the following is excerpted from ECLIPSE Weekly Aspect Digest; imagine how much more you’d know if you subscribed! For Friday the 18th of May: The Moon entered Taurus at 3:04 AM… Read More →
Step Away from the Fridge…
The Moon is in Taurus, and I for one have indulged just a tad too much over the last day or so. That tends to happen when the Moon is in Taurus- and if you have this position natally, you will know exactly what I’m talking about.
Taurus rules the…
Just a Little Lunar Essence for Today 26 March 2012: ‘A Puff of Smoke’
11 AM PDT the Taurus Moon conjuncts Sedna. The emotions disappear in a puff of smoke–or do they? Just because we don’t know our feelings doesn’t mean they aren’t there. This can be a flashpoint for unconscious emotion made manifest; … Con…
Just a Little Lunar Essence for Today 25 March 2012: ‘The Better Choice’
Just before 5 AM PDT the Taurus Moon quincunxes Juno and sextiles Chiron. The emotions must adjust to the empowerment picture–we really have no choice. We do have a choice concerning our response, though, and we may feel hurt, believing … Conti…
Just a Little Lunar Essence for Today 24 March 2012: ‘Make Your Own Entertainment!’
Void begins at 10:19 AM PDT; the Moon enters Taurus at 2:44 PM PDT. First aspect is 5 PM PDT, a sextile to Neptune, making for the fanciful, the playful, and the strongly intuitive. Attitudes can be light, can be … Continue reading →