FYI, for those of you with natal Chiron at 8-9 degrees of the Cardinal signs… Transiting Mars Rx in Libra will be kicking that sore spot. Mars is slowing down as it prepares … Continue reading →
Tag: Mars Retrograde
Venus in Aries Opposes Mars Rx in Libra: Mutual Amplification
Venus in Aries opposes Mars Rx (at 9 degrees Libra) on May 11th, along with the transiting Moon in Libra (conjunct Mars) to add some extra energy on that day. … Continue reading →
Something about phases, Mars and Wellington headwinds…
I got to thinking about being stuck yesterday, and the frustration that comes from that. You know, that whole I want to move forward and get on with things but it just isn’t flipping happening and when will it…Read more →
After The Eclipse
Here we are on the other side of the Full Moon eclipse in Libra. A peak has been reached, and we stand in the aftermath. There’s a pause that happens after an eclipse…an exhalation. Even in … Continue reading →
The Sun in Aries Opposes Mars Rx: Halfway Point
Today, Mars Rx in Libra opposes the Sun in Aries (at 18 degrees). This is significant for a couple of reasons: It’s the halfway point of Mars’ Rx cycle The Sun illuminates what Mars Rx … Continue reading →
New Moon in Aries: The Taming
We start out as wild horses, and life is the process by which we’re tamed. Some of us are civilized by gentle masters who teach us restraint without breaking our spirits. Others were brutalized by cruel circumstances that taught us to trample everything in our paths. Most of us have encountered both types of master; some days we gallop, and some days we trample….
The post New Moon in Aries: The Taming appeared first on April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology.
The Barrier, The Back Door And The Narcotic
So this is coming up… Venus (love, money, values) in Aquarius, crunched by a square to Saturn Rx (limits, authority) in Scorpio. Blocks to what you want. Limits on your romantic/financial freedom. Your values; … Continue reading →
The Barrier, The Back Door And The Narcotic
So this is coming up… Venus (love, money, values) in Aquarius, crunched by a square to Saturn Rx (limits, authority) in Scorpio. Blocks to what you want. Limits on your romantic/financial freedom. Your values; tested. Aquarius breaks the rules and … Continue reading →
Transiting Mars in Libra and the Transiting Nodes: Intensified Lessons
Now that the transiting Nodes have moved into Libra/Aries, the general message is about balancing your efforts with others (North Node in Libra) rather than pushing to the head of the line (South Node in … Continue reading →
Transiting Mars in Libra and the Transiting Nodes: Intensified Lessons
Now that the transiting Nodes have moved into Libra/Aries, the general message is about balancing your efforts with others (North Node in Libra) rather than pushing to the head of the line (South Node in Aries). The transiting South Node is ruled … Continue reading →