Writer’s note: The newspaper who prints my astrology column Shoreview sent me to cover this story, then cut it for “space”. Not wanting to waste anything, including an afternoon of research and writing, I’m sharing it with you. Once a quarter, the Astrological Society of Connecticut gathers together vendors, astrologers, intuitive readers and body workers […]
Astrology and Domestic Violence
The statistics are there, the warnings were there, there was even a dramatic demonstration of how dangerous the man was, but for 2nd Lieutenant Holley Wimunc, a nurse at Fayetteville, North Carolina’s Fort Bragg, there was not enough protection from the man that would ultimately murder her. One in four women experience domestic abuse in […]
Astrological Analysis: A Psych Out of Shawn Spencer
Shaw Spencer hails from a family of cops, and was fully expected to carry the torch by his father, Henry, who meticulously schooled his son from a very young age in the finer points of detective work. But while Henry made him a detective, he can’t make Shawn be a detective. It soon becomes clear […]
Jupiter, Leo And Mercury: Broadcasting Bravado- “Bring It!”
“Follow me or perish, sweater-monkeys!”
–Bring It OnI’ve been hearing a lot of declarations of “Bring It!” today. I haven’t even been watching any cheerleader movies lately so I figure it’s probably transiting Mercury (c…
Happy Hour Call In Party – New Moon Intentions
Things All The Cool Kids Are Doing Join us today at 3-4pm (central) for a special Happy Hour posting party on the boards
CArRiE will be serving up drinks behind the bar as usual. Then at half past the hour I’ll be hosting a special call in show v…
Weekend Love Forecast
“Son, I hope it’s not Saturday night one minute, with a cold Monday morning to follow. Whatever happens, Nolie, always remember to smile.”
–Cap’n Andy, ShowboatSkies start out sporty, turning serious mid-weekend, Saturday night. Strong chance of drun…
Surreal Family Antics by My Neptune in the 4th
Hopefully Coherent Ramblings Several references to Kenny Rogers around here recently and I am reminded of “Cousin Gerard.”
This was at the tail end of my Pluto to natal Neptune transit and I woke up in Las Vegas. We were staying with my bo…
Full Moon Effect: No More “Coward Of The County” by Satori
“Sometimes you’ve got to fight when you’re a man.”
–Kenny RogersThe full moon happened in my area just around midnight last night, but I had already gone to bed. It landed in my chart with the Moon just past my Leo rising, the Sun in my 7th house. I…
Third House Venus Dilettante Love Story by Nota
Hopefully Coherent Ramblings I mentioned in my last post that a few years back I went through a mystic Judaism phase. The more I thought about it, the more my mind drifted back to Aaron, the man who inadvertently sparked my interest in such a field of …