Impeach Justice Roberts over Citizens United?

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR) is talking big about the potential of impeaching Chief Justice John Roberts whose only-an-umpire status touted (aka, lied about) at his confirmation hearing has been seriously undercut by 2010’s democracy-numbing Citizens United decision which has allowed the flooding of the November 2010 midterms with obscene amounts of money from unnamed, foreign sources and

Daily Planets Saturday 23/10/10: About Last Night

As I write this we are just a few hours away from a Full Moon. With Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto (adding an extra burst of Scorpio to Mercury) and Venus retrograde in Scorpio as well, now is a great time to have those relationship discussions an…

Vote GOP Nov 2 – if you wish to privatize SS

Update Oct 23, 2010:GOP Plan Dramatically Reduces Social Security Benefits, Actuary Finds By Sahil Kapur A high-profile Republican budget plan would slash Social Security benefits in the long-run — perhaps even by up to half of what they are now, the program’s actuary concluded in a new study.Original post begins here:Seniors beware! The Republican Party’s money-grabbing drive to privatize the

‘Deathbed globalist’ outs plan to crash America

Part 1 of 6: Chaplain Lindsey Williams reveals the plan to crash the US dollar, our economy, and thus, America. This info was presented Oct 21, 2010 on Alex Jones TV.Please view the rest of this informative presentation (total run time appr 1 hour 18 mins) here.Okay, let’s review: we’re all operating under the rays of the illuminated planetary pair of Uranus and Neptune which had three Great

Beyonce and Jay-Z: North Node Trine Venus

Hear ye, hear ye, loyal citizens of this mighty nation of rock! The union forged by the marriage of Beyonce, crown princess of infectious pop hooks and J-Setting, and Jay-Z, the rap king whose mad beats are afflicted with no more and no less than 99 problems, has resulted in one extremely conspicuous baby bump. […]

The Power & the Passion

Here is last years Scorpio post- just to whet your appetite for tomorrows ingress of the Sun into Scorpio.
The World of the Scorpion

Full Moon at 30 Aries: Me and Us

Not only do we have 5 weekends in October (still loving the concept of that), but we have 2 Full Moons in Aries in a row.
The 1st of these was right on the cardinal point ie the 1st degree of Aries, this one is in the last degree. With Saturn tracking…