Tag: Newt Gingrich

Right to healthcare is slavery, says Ron Paul

In the last few years a smattering of SO’W readers have asked me to keep up with Ron Paul more regularly especially during presidential campaigns. And while it’s true I’ve given quite a bit of blog space to Paul’s Audit the Fed movement, it is with amazement this morning that I read omnipotentpoobah’s article Enslaved to Ron Paul detailing some of his more disturbing antics and remarks concerning

Is Newt Gingrich a "national candidate" yet? 5.11.11

May 11, 2011: Has Newt Gingrich announced his run for US president yet? He’s supposed to be doing so today and weeks ago the story was that his prez bid announcement would be made from Philadelphia’s *Independence Hall. My assumption is that announcing from such a location would be a shout-out to Tea Partisans and a bid for hyper-patriotism.Well, here’s Mr. Gingrich’s birth data (hour unknown)

Will Newt announce prez bid from Independence Hall?

In an attempt to create gravitas for the political aspirations the high talker may or may not have, Newt Gingrich is leaning toward announcing his presidential bid from Independence Hall, Philadelphia, in late May.Perhaps Mr. Gingrich is subtly trying to link himself to Founder Benjamin Franklin whose portrait on the older 100 dollar bill shows Independence Hall clock at 2:22 (a sly clue from

2012? The prez-runniness of Newt Gingrich

Update 9:42 pm est: With Gingrich’s IRS filing completed, you may now donate as you wish.Original post begins here:Will the erstwhile fellow toss his hat into the White House ring or won’t he?Apparently a certain political maverick of dinosaur proportions will run for president in 2012 but Newt Gingrich has a lot of past baggage to shift around and repack before he even begins trudging the

CA Treasurer denounces State Bankruptcy as "baloney"

An open statement has arrived in my Inbox from Sacramento, CA:FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 21, 2011Contact: Tom Dresslar/916.653.2995 Treasurer Lockyer Criticizes Effort to Let States File for Bankruptcy PDFSACRAMENTO State Treasurer Bill Lockyer today issued the following statement regarding reports about a possible move in Congress to let states declare bankruptcy: "To the folks in Congress

Newt Gingrich then and now: (im) peaches and tea

Newt Gingrich last won political office so long ago the chads have whiskers.And though he’s up to something GOP-ish with the big corporation Koch Brothers funded Tea Party movement, this article comparing him in his political heyday (think ‘impeach Clinton’) to his current machinations leaves me sputteringly speechless. Almost.As I like to remind people whenever necessary: Mr. Gingrich is not