Tag: water-signs

Astrology of Now: Eclipse — It’s All Maya

Tomorrow, September 16, there will be a partial eclipse of Lady Luna. You will be able to see this from Europe to the Western Pacific. The point of closest eclipse is at 18.54 GMT. Right now the Moon is already in Pisces. The eclipse takes place at 24°.   Last night, I stood in the garden looking at the Moon hanging like a glass bauble in the night sky. It was a very clear night — and unusually warm for this time of year. I could see all the mysterious markings across the white surface of the Moon. How she glistened. She appeared so […]

The post Astrology of Now: Eclipse — It’s All Maya appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.


Dr Elaine Aron’s book The Highly Sensitive Person validates something astrologers have always known — some people are more sensitive than others. Dr Aron puts this figure at about 20% of the population. In other words, it’s perfectly normal, but sensitivity is not always valued by our culture. Here are four important characteristics of the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Depth of processing. HSPs tend to ponder deeply, but there are broadly two types: those who are interested in everything, and those who focus keenly on just a couple of things. Over aroused (easily compared to others). This can be a big problem […]

The post Sensitive appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.

On Pisces

Sadko In The Underwater Kingdom by Ilya Repin (Wikimedia Commons) From Tunisia to Elizabeth Taylor, you never know who you’re going to swim past down there in the blue, blue sea. With the Sun still in Pisces, visit or revisit these OA posts on or about the sign of the Fishes. A Fortnight of Visionary Artists 7 Good Things To Do While The Sun Is In Pisces Neptune in Pisces by Sign Pisces Self-Portraits Brotherhood of Romantics Rupert Murdoch: Uber-Pisces 12th House People Unpacking My Library: On The Road Revolution Now or Never? Tunisia Tony Robbins: Guru or Snak Oil Salesman? George Harrison: […]

The post On Pisces appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.

Royal Astrology: The Grand Water Prince

The British monarchy has a new prince. The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton gave birth to a baby boy today at 4:24 p.m. London time. His brand new Royal Highness has been one of the most anticipated arrivals of the year. In addition to millions of loyal British subjects, the modern fast & furious media […]