What happens when Jupiter retrogrades? Usually, we feel it, as something we saw with hope, optimism, and faith is turned …Continue reading →
Tag: Jupiter retrograde
And then there were four: Venus and Jupiter turn retrograde this week
Most of my readers already know this, but planets don’t actually travel backwards. Astrology observes the motion of the planets from our perspective on earth, and from our perspective they occasionally appear to be moving backwards: we call this retrograde. Pluto, planet of darkness and transformation, turned retrograde at the end of April. Saturn, planet […]
Pluto turns retrograde, beginning a major year of retrograde activity
click to enlarge Pluto turns retrograde on April 25, 2020. That in itself is not unusual since Pluto, along with all of the outer planets, spends about half the year in retrograde motion. What IS unusual is that this year we will have between five and seven planets retrograde for five months. About […]
The post Pluto turns retrograde, beginning a major year of retrograde activity appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.
Astrology this week: April 8-15, including Jupiter turning retrograde
Image from Nasa, by Tim Pyle The planetary influences this week should have a calming influence to soothe jangled nerves. Last week’s Aries New Moon helped to kickstart new beginnings, and Pluto bumped up against the South Node of the past to trigger an old pattern to emerge in order to be resolved. […]
The post Astrology this week: April 8-15, including Jupiter turning retrograde appeared first on Astrology readings and writings by Lynn Hayes.
New Moon in Pisces March 2018 A Goldilocks Moon
The New Moon occurs at 6:11 AM Pacific Daylight time at 26 Pisces 53. Both bodies (Sun, Moon) are applying …
Jupiter Direct
Jupiter Direct A few years ago I read a story in MindFood magazine about adventurer Jamie Fitzgerald. Jamie and Kevin Biggar were in this 5000km transatlantic rowing race in 2003 (I know, the “why” question occurred to me too…) when…
How to interpret a Jupiter transit…
First up, you need to understand a little about the potential of Jupiter transits. If you missed Saturday’s post on that very subject, it’s here. As we saw, Jupiter is not some sort of celestial Santa Claus. The number of…
Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow
Jupiter Direct A few years ago I read a story in MindFood magazine about adventurer Jamie Fitzgerald. Jamie and Kevin Biggar were in this 5000km transatlantic rowing race in 2003 (I know, the “why” question occurred to me too…) when…
The Mix Around the Libra Eclipse
Tomorrow’s lunar eclipse will resonate a bit further than other eclipses, because of the surrounding aspects. As I wrote in this post, it will ping the diminishing Uranus/Pluto square. The … Continue reading →
The post The Mix Around the Libra Eclipse appeared first on Ruby Slipper Astrology.
Help Yourself Out With These Fire Trines
April 2nd gifts us with two fire trines. Mercury (at 4 degrees Aries) trines Saturn Rx in Sagittarius, and the Sun (at 12 degrees Aries) trines Jupiter Rx in Leo. Trines are harmonious, and therefore, easy to overlook. But they … Continue reading →
The post Help Yourself Out With These Fire Trines appeared first on Ruby Slipper Astrology.