Tag: Albert Pike

Religious Right Is Keeping Ted Cruz’s Campaign Alive – video

Yes, the number of Americans who score themselves as ‘religious’ has fallen to an all-time low which must make international bankers and corporatists such as the Houses of Rothschild and Rockefeller and other World War III promoters such as Adam Weishaupt of Bavarian Illuminati fame (May 1, 1776), Confederate General Albert Pike (still with his statue standing at the foot of Capitol Hill!),

"Our Descent into Fascism"– Max Igan video

One of Max Igan’s topics presented in this broadcast is Hegel’s Dialectic (thesis-antithesis-synthesis.) Max opens with an enlightened quote from Thomas Paine, and later mentions what has been blogged here before–that the American Revolution liberated our country from British control in name only:

For as we know, the Great Conjunction/s of the Enlightenment planets, Uranus and Neptune,

Boston Tea Party Dec 17, 1773: Sun Sag-Moon AQ

With all the to-do this week over the apparent split between establishment Republicans and the party’s congressional Tea Party members, I became curious to reconsider the horoscope of the original Boston Tea Party which occurred on December 17, 1773 in Boston Harbor in protest against taxes.

As you see from the date, the Boston Tea Party (BTP) has its 240th birthday coming up on Tuesday,

Celente on US econo-trends 2012 (video) w some Astrology 11.30.11

November 29, 2011: economist Gerald Celente discusses ugly topics such as MF Global, John Corzine, ‘missing’ money, looted pension funds, and what’s coming down the *pike for the US economy in 2012.Part 1 of 2 "The Goldman-Sachs Gang, the Merrill-Lynch Mob, and the Morgan-Stanley Marauders" get no respect from Mr. Celente, an attitude with which I totally agree. "The whole system is collapsing–

Civil War Apr 12,1861: Midpt Pictures and Hidden Hands

Were Hidden Hands Behind the American Civil War?by Jude Cowell The horoscope for the start of the American Civil War, its birth chart, is set for the first shot fired, April 12, 1861 4:30 am LMT Charleston, South Carolina at Fort Sumter.Rising is 27Pis05 with Mercury 24:56 and Neptune 29Pis57; a 12th house Chiron 00Pis56 is being transited by Neptune as I type; MC (The Goal) 28Sag14; at IC, the

Are there Freemasons in Congress? view the video

Somehow I missed this CNN feature from months ago which purports to discuss the fact that some members of the US Congress are Freemasonry members. I say ‘purports’ because in the end, the topic is treated lightly with a ‘well they do raise millions for charity’ toss-off as if the good works done by Mason rank and file (and everyone knows they do) is all that’s going on at the top of the