Author: Christina

Pluto in Aquarius: Connect or Disconnect

This year’s great cosmic shift — the move of Pluto into Aquarius — has already caused much hammering of keyboards, bursting of brain cells and copious words to be spilled across the internet. Here’s what you need to know. • Pluto will be in Aquarius from 20 January 2024-9 March 2043 aside from a brief […]

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What Does Frankenstein Have To Tell Us About the Future Now?

Well, Pluto, Lord of Transformation and dweller in the outer reaches of our solar system, is approaching his next entry into the sign of systems, Aquarius — and everything is going to change. Mind you, this is a process… Sally and I decided to look back at the chart of someone born with this placement…. […]

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Happy New Year!

2024 begins with a whoosh of positive energy — and by the end of the month, all planets will be rushing forward into the new era of Pluto in Aquarius. We will all need stamina to keep going into the future, but it looks as if we’re about to be blessed with a little bit […]

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Seasons Greetings and December Horoscopes

This year’s perfectly timed Mercury Retrograde may have us all rifling through our bookshelves for comfort reads. This time of rising darkness in the North, and ebbing darkness in the South, reaches its peak at the Winter Solstice on 22 December. Perhaps you can feel the pull of that tide, swirling towards the deepest darkness. […]

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Astrology Talk Investigates: Why Did Rupert Murdoch Choose His Successor?

  In our snappy new series of short takes on topics we find intriguing, mysterious or amusing, we look at the Murdoch clan, models for the hit TV show Succession. The Murdochs are, of course, the most famous media dynasty on the planet, with more fingers in more pies manipulating more people than any of […]

The post Astrology Talk Investigates: Why Did Rupert Murdoch Choose His Successor? appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.

Astrology Talk Investigates: Why Did Rupert Murdoch Choose His Successor?

  In our snappy new series of short takes on topics we find intriguing, mysterious or amusing, we look at the Murdoch clan, models for the hit TV show Succession. The Murdochs are, of course, the most famous media dynasty on the planet, with more fingers in more pies manipulating more people than any of […]

The post Astrology Talk Investigates: Why Did Rupert Murdoch Choose His Successor? appeared first on The Oxford Astrologer.