Author: Christina

Earthquake Chart

I’ve just been asked to put up a chart for the earthquake, so here it is. As I pointed out before, Uranus is in the last minutes of Pisces, so the planet of surprises leaves the sign of the deepest oceans on a tidal wave.The imagery could not be cleare…

Charlie and Lola’s Homage to Pisces

Yes, Pisces rules the feet. Lauren Child, the genius who created Charlie and Lola, keeps her birthday a secret. But I think Lola’s a little Gemini and Charlie might be a Pisces. What do you think?There’s an exhibition of her work on in Stratford, Londo…

Why Media Mogul Murdoch is an Uber Pisces

We all know what the books say about the sign of the fishes: mystical, dreamy, impractical, gentle, unwordly…So it’s more than a little interesting that Rupert Murdoch, proprietor of that Orwellian behemoth News Corp was born with the Sun in sweet Pi…

7 Good Things to Do While the Sun is in Pisces

In this country we’ve had one of the longest, gloomiest winters I can remember. Right now spring flowers are bursting out, but it’s into a grey, cold world with tupperware skies and a biting wind.Low Tide by Renoir (b. Feb 25). Astrologically it’s a ch…

Awakening Frankenstein

Boris Karloff in the 1931 film Frankenstein.In the summer I wrote a post about Dracula with some suggestions about which planets we could associate with the fanged one. I ended that piece by suggesting that Frankenstein might be associated with the pla…

March Horoscopes

Purple and yellow crocuses have raised their heads on my wet lawn. Snowdrops are still nodding in the borders and the fleshy leaves of daffodils and tulips promise more spring flowers. I’m just back from Istanbul, where, to my surprise, nature se…

Arab Spring

I wrote a post at the start of this month about the Year of Revolutions, 1848, and its paralells with now. To read it and reflect on the events in Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia click here.

Talk on Monsters

I’m giving a talk on Scary Monsters. February 16 at the Oxford Astrology Group. For more information look at their site.Come along if you’re in the neighborhood.