Author: Christina

April Horoscopes

Kablam!! New Moon April 3, 2011.There’s an explosive New Moon on the 3rd which sets up a bonfire in one sector of your chart — to find out where to roast the marshmallows and avoid getting incinerated click here.Just for starters, there’s Saturn oppos…


Mars is transiting my natal Mercury in Pisces: I just backed my car into a wall. No damage done, but I really must remember not to get behind a steering wheel next time, because this transit helps me damage my vehicle every time it comes round – espe…

11 Good Things to Do While the Sun is in Aries

Virna Lisi back in 1965Fall in and out of love in a dayTake up a martial artHave a very close shave – literally or metaphoricallyTake a riskCreate some performance artScream at the top of your lungsTell someone what you really think about themDig the…

Astrology Is Not a Science; So What Is It?

Our lot often gets hot under the collective collar when scientists diss astrology. Recently the British Astrological Association wrote to the BBC asking Auntie to be a bit nicer please and stop saying those mean things about us.I signed the thing, beca…

Art and Astrology: Aries Self Portraits

Why is it than when astrologers talk about the most creative signs, Aries is seldom the first word that leaves their lips?The sign of the Ram is the beginning, the source, the start, the seed – and as such packs a huge amount of creative power. Espec…

Lovely Elizabeth Taylor

Liz Taylor had glamour. Right up to the end she sparkled with magical, movie star enchantment.Neptune sprinkled her with stardust, but cursed her as well – with boozers, with losers, with no boundaries. She was such a Pisces.Look at those famous viol…

"Facebook Is A Mirror"

‘The word Facebook means it’s a mirror. You’re actually looking for a mirror. And you need a mirror because you haven’t got a picture (of who you are). You need a mirror to tell you who you are… You only exist if you tell people you are there…

Pisces Self Portraits

Piet Mondrian, March 7 1872.It’s Pisces, so the eyes have it.Those born under the sign of the fishes are supposed to be blessed with a beautiful liquid gaze. I have to say that the two people I’ve known with truly extraordinarily beautiful eyes – one w…

The Magical Tide Jewels of Japan

One of Hiroshige’s Views of Mount FujiAs a wedding gift, the dragon-king of the sea gave his human son-in-law two jewels – kanju and manju. He wanted to ensure the future prosperity of his semi-divine descendants.Those jewels were not just decorative t…

Fat Boy, Fukushima and Japan Facing Frankenstein

Godzilla emerged from the depths of the ocean back in 1954, and trashed Tokyo. He may have been a plastic monster in a less than B-movie, but he also symbolised something important.Let me explain.A rather attractive Polish version of Godzilla.Godzilla …