Author: Christina

The Wedding Chart: Private Vows, Public Commitment

It was gorgeous: the frocks, the hats, the uniforms, the horses, the cars, the carriages; the music, the abbey, the sweet little choir boys – and a superb sermon by the Bishop of London.”…Marriage is intended to be a way in which man and woman hel…

Royal Wedding Astrology

Here are previous posts I’ve written on the Royal Wedding, which you might like to peruse before the day itself.Celebrating PowerA general look at the day itself.Juno Lends a Helping HandThe marriage asteroid is deeply involved.The Bling of PowerThat r…

Royal Wedding: Celebrating Power

Last summer, I predicted a royal wedding this year. That was partly on the basis of how alarmingly these times in Great Britain resemble that watershed year 1981 – brutal financial restrictions from the government, blood on the streets, looming une…

RIP Poly Styrene

“Some people say little girls should be seen and not heard, but I say, Oh bondage, up yours!”Thank you Poly Styrene, for giving me something to shout as I drive up to the school gates to pick up my little girls.The pioneer of feminist punk died today a…

Primavera: Love is All Around

Yesterday, we walked through purple violets, pale yellow primroses and cowslips, pink campion and bluebells. White petals from the mayflower tree spattered the ground beneath our feet and scented the air around us.Truly, the goddess of beauty, Venus, r…

Pallas Athena and the God of War

Imagine you are trotting down the Appian Way in Rome sometime around 202 BC. It’s a hot spring day and you’re working up quite a sweat. Your toga is flapping behind you and your slave, a rather dashing Gaul (with rippling muscles and bedroom eyes – han…

Math Cat

Heart is a Scorpio.My five year old loves our cat, but her idea of bonding with him is a little unusual.I came upon her yesterday talking to him.”What’s two plus three?”The cat said purr.”Very good. Now, what’s five plus four?”Purr.”No silly, it’s nine…

Why Pallas Athene is the Astrologer’s Asteroid

Pallas Athene from the Temple of Aphaia c.500 BCOne of the readers of this blog recently pointed out that pattern-recognition was a key component of astrology – and my tiny astrologer’s mind went click and then clickety click click. I got excited.Bec…